Elegy Application

Jan 11, 2011 09:46

[Player LJ] Originally rosey_maiden ; Currently rosesweetrose 
[Player Name] Rosie
[@ Elegy] Aijou Muller

[Series] OC based on Yu Yu Hakusho anime/manga series
[Character] Rosalina Marguerite Nurumi

[Description] Rose is thirty years of age but doesn’t look a day over eighteen because of her race’s (ookami youkai/wolf demon) slowed aging once they reach their “adult” stage. In her humanoid state, she has long, curly locks of golden hair with eyes that are a dark chocolate brown. She stands at 5’7”, an average height for women her age. The woman’s skin is abnormally pale caused only from lack of outside excursions. This is the form she’s in most, if not all, of the time.

In her demon state, she has flowing silvery white tresses and amber eyes. Replacing the ears on the side of her head in this state are two wolf ears atop her skull. A white fluffy tail accompanies these ears. Her otherworldly form is rarely seen and used only in defense or at points of high emotional and physical stress.

In extreme cases, her kind revert to their most primal state which is just a wolf. This has only happened a few times in centuries, however, and is usually the result when a wolf's life might be in danger because of their own actions.

[Personality] Rose is, what most would call, a sweet girl. She borders on being too nice with all her self-sacrificing but has never once put herself before her friends or family. Often seen as a pushover, the woman just wants to see others happy instead of herself. Bringing joy to others gives her a sense of satisfaction that most don’t seem to understand. Yet, Rose is very easy to take advantage of because of this and sometimes even realizes it herself. Still, her happy-go-luck attitude seems invincible despite how many times she’s been hurt.

The blond not only has beauty but also smarts and is an incredibly quick learner. She picks up on things abnormally fast and it’s part of what fuels her cute curiosity about anything and everything. Always wanting to learn, Rose seeks to put herself into new situations (sometimes even dangerous ones) just to gain new knowledge of the world she lives in. Since her eagerness to learn and grow is so great, the woman has become good at several things such as singing, reading quickly yet retaining all the information, playing musical instruments like the guitar, and even gymnastics. Anything anyone is willing to teach her, Rose is happy to learn.

Independent and slightly shy, this stems from the woman being on her own for most of her life. She is what one would call a “lone wolf” (figuratively and literally) since she’s never quite fit in anywhere. Even in the human world, she has trouble making friends because of her lack of social skills. Her overly friendly nature also tends to put off some people and eventually even scare them away. Since she spends most of her time alone though, one can’t blame her for being eager to have just one friend.

Most mistake her kindness for an odd desperation for companionship but Rose really just has a heart of gold and loves to help out in any way she can. So, if you ever need and help with anything, this girl’ll be willing to help. She may not be the best help one could get, but her intentions are pure and she’ll try her best to not let you down.

[Canon] It wasn’t that Rose's life back home was bad, it just wasn’t what she wanted. She never fit in with her pack because she wasn’t as primal as they were. Rose was intelligent and an explorer by nature and that often caused problems with her fellow ookami. It wasn’t long before she stopped associating with them all together and went off to be a lone wolf.

Always longing to have more than what she did in her dark homeland, the Makai, the woman leaped at the chance to go to the mortal realm. Despite being wary about the man who offered her the chance, she couldn’t deny him. It turned out to be a bad decision for as soon as she got there, she was captured and enslaved by a rich mortal. For five years, from the human age of thirteen to eighteen, she was trained to do nothing but fight and kill other creatures like her for sport. Ironic that these would be the skills to save her. It wasn’t long before the female was considered "old news." In the fighting ring, that's the worst possible thing that can happen. When a warrior gets boring, they are slaughtered in the most gruesome ways one can imagine. With the help of a fellow otherworldly creature, Rose killed her human “master” and escaped.

For five years, until she was twenty-three by mortal time, Rose lived among humans thanks to a trick she learned to make herself appear human. Most could sense she was something different though and this made it difficult for her to connect with anyone and make friends. It was probably best that way, however, for she was constantly on the run from the ring leaders for killing their comrade. The most vengeful of them all was her former master's son who took over when his father died.

Just as she was hopping cities to escape, Elegy saved her. She spent months in the strange nexus before it brought her back home. Once she returned, the demoness went out into the world with renewed confidence despite her missing eye. Elegy had taught her that she could make friends. It wasn't just some impossible idea anymore.

It wasn't long before she found herself entangled in the lives of the Morgans, an ancient trio of brothers. There was Reyson, the youngest and who Rose met first. He was a werewolf and thus the one the demoness first connected most with. Then Reyson's older fraternal twin, Feldspar, came into the picture. Rose still thinks that he's much prettier than her by far. The eldest brother, Misto, was who Rose met last but eventually grew to know the best for he became her husband and father to her son, Michael.

Life was too perfect. The woman had been careless and after seven years, the ring leaders found her once again. Her husband and his brothers were murdered and her son taken to be a slave like she. Their plan couldn't have worked better. In a fit of rage, Rose had revealed her true monster and murdered countless people. Eventually, she was captured by the Spirit Detectives and imprisoned for months. Finally, she was given the death sentence by Spirit World and sent off to her death.

It seemed that Elegy was not done with her yet however. En route to her execution, she was pulled back into the nexus. Her memory's still a little bit fuzzy on some things but as a demon's lifespan is longer than a human's, she remembers much more than a normal person. She also retained the emotions she felt for almost everyone she knew which could be both a good and bad thing.

!application, !ooc, !elegy

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