Title: Jun's Guide to Recovery, an Arashi fanfiction
Author: rosesnwine88
Length: 1284 words
Pairing: YamaPair, Aimiya
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor
Summary: What do Jun do whenever he can't recover from shock?
Disclaimer: If I owned Arashi, then this wouldn't be FANfiction, ne?
A/N: From Ousama no Brunch, I learned that MatsuJun is having a hard time recovering
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...and there's one part i don't get... DID OHNO JUST CHANGE IN FRONT OF SAKURAI? O_____O
oh but i enjoyed it ^^
thanks for sharing!
hmm... am i that mean to junpon?? XD
thanks for reading!
but i could do with less jun-pon sadness...
haha he looked so pretty in the love rainbow pv that now on my ranking he's the same as the 3 others, and ohno's ichiban! xD!
i guess i like jun abit more since his birthday...?
i wanted to pair jun up with someone but i haven't managed to insert it here, sad...
wait... you mean you had ranked jun the last out of arashi? >ooh, ohchan's my ichiban too :)<
have you watched the making of the PV? jun's so pretty there too. and the way he focus on the script is... *falls in love* and i don't know why...
then i came to love his eyebrows, hair and lips. xD.
...haha no ^^;; i dont know where to find the making! D:!
ooh, ohchan's your ichiban too? xDDDD yaay!
because i don't think he's interesting, now he's at the same level as aiba-chan... but i LOVE his dedication~!
the making is up already... in arashi_on?? i think it's with subs already...?
yay~! for fans whose ichiban is ohChan! >gah, that was too long< XD
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