It cracks me up listening to Ryuichi singing I'm Just a Mermaid. His Engrish in Innocence is good source of amusement too. And OY MY GAWD, Lily! It's hiphop-ish! On the other hand, Matataku yo ni is industrial!
WTF right?
Actually this album is crack. I meant it in a good way, of course. I'm in love with Ageha, which has gotta be the best song off this album, followed by Don't Hold Your Feeling and Ame no Ribon.
*hearts Tourbillon
*hearts anything Luna Sea
OK, I had meant to do a review on this album, "A Tide of New Era", but decided to change my mind for this:
FULL ALBUM DOWNLOAD for you fans out there!
So who needs a review right, when YOU can decide for yourselves?