Oct 08, 2010 02:20
Still no full-time job.
Working a lot at the two part-time jobs.
Seeing a wonderful woman who I believe I am falling madly in love with every chance I get.
Not getting much sleep.
The Tivo is full. Again.
Wondering what it was like when I had medical coverage, since I've only had it for two of the last five years.
Scared shitless that bastards like the fucks in Tennessee that essentially created a private fire department that DROVE TO A MAN'S HOUSE TO WATCH IT BURN because he didn't pay the new $75 fee because the city council didn't want to raise taxes are going to be in charge of our government. They've pretty much gotten rid of our horrid banana republics in South and Central America...and now they want to install there here.
Koresh help us all.