(no subject)

Jun 30, 2009 07:15

From lorebubeck

1. yoga =) - My latest ongoing experiment. I am getting too old to do my job by rejuvenating only my body. My body alone can't absorb and disperse all of it. It was time to figure out how to rejuvenate my spirit as well. Granted sex, alcohol and rock and roll are all great, but at my age I needed something more substantive. I really only wanted a meditation class and for a whle that is all I did. I did not expect to enjoy the physical classes, but I find that I do. Its not really about the exercise for me, I can get that a dozen different ways. Its about where my head is at, and yoga has been very good for me in that department.

2. kids - What a constant adventure raising kids has turned out to be.... A thousand ways to see the world anew, a thousand things to worry about to go with it. And even if you get the answer right, the question will be different with the next kid or you will need a different answer anyway! But the joy that there is in it, the people that they are becoming, the determination they go out with every day, the brilliance in their little heads, their curiosity. It makes you young and brave and curious right along with them.
3. beer - Well, beer is good! Lighter beers are best cold and well-hopped, dark beers are best as porters, but the stouts and brown ales have their merits. Brewing it is fun and time with DH, and the kids when we bottle it. I enjoy the experiment of brewing, though DH is so good that the product is very consistent (now!). It is also something I am cautious about. Alcohol is a demon on my father's side, wiped out a generation. My older brothers are tee-totalers. My younger brother and I are pretty light drinkers.

4. siblings - I have only brothers, but I have a lot of them. I really only have a lot of contact with my youngest brother but then he is the only one that lives near by, the other four are a lot older than me. He is only 20 months younger than I. He was my best friend and constant playmate growing up. Even in high school when I had my own crowd, my brother was someone I liked spending time with. I was/am very protective of him but that is pretty absurd any more, he is a giant. I think everyone should be lucky enough to have a sibling. When we were planning our family it was "two or none". There is a built in playmate, the built in lessons that you are not the center of the universe, in caring about others, looking out for others, learning to live and cooperate with others, compromise. And then as you get older, there is someone out there in the world that shares and remembers your early history, there are jokes that Walt and I find hilarious, that the rest of the world just misses. Someone who speaks your native language....

5. projects (i.e. tipis, clay ovens...) - Well, the ones you listed are practical experiments to try with the kids. I really want my kids to experiment with ideas. I want them to know that it is possible to figure out how things work, to build things, to improve things. And spend some time outside. And to think that it is fun. So it has become a bit of a tradition to try some experiments, especially during Easter break from school. They aren't meant to last forever, and they are meant to be tried and modified and tinkered with. I didn't expect the tipi to stand for over a year. I certainly didn't expect to sleep out in it, I would have built it bigger. And they are experiments for me too. I am terrifically curious about things. I love try things. And my family "car gene" is defective, I don't enjoy working on cars. And being in the SCA there are just myriad ideas to play with to see if a 21st C person can duplicate the technology of that age.
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