
Apr 18, 2012 14:02

Um, well..... I'm pregnant guys! Ha! Was NOT planned. But I'm def keeping it. It's by a black guy. I don't think my family's too impressed with the idea that I'm pregnant, let alone that I'm pregnant by a black guy. My mom even tried to talk to me about abortion and adoption. I don't believe in abortion, so it was outta the question. And I won't put a child of mine up for adoption. I just don't feel it's right. I told her how she expected me to just walk up and tell him I'm either gonna kill his baby or give it away. So then she tries to tell me to just give the baby to him. Telling me I have no idea what I'm getting myself into having a mixed baby. I told her I didn't care what the color of the baby was, or what's to come, I'm gonna love my baby. She tried telling me that I shouldn't have a baby right now. It's not the right time. I said but it was the right time 15?! You didn't push for an abortion or adoption then. You gave me the option then. Said it was my choice. What's so bad about it now? I have my own shit now. She tried. but to no avail. I will NOT get rid of any child I carry.

I asked Hannah what her thoughts on the baby being mixed was, she said, "NOTHING! It's gonna be part of the family! I'm gonna love it!" The only one with any damn sense is my 8 yr old daughter!

He's not one of those ghetto gangster types that just runs around screwing everything he lays eyes on and leave me hanging with a baby. He'll take care of it. His name is Mike. He's 20. I'm scared as hell tho. It's a baby! But I dooo hafto go and get hannah from school now and I'm takin my mom to Wal-Mart. Toodles. I'll try to get on more and give more info and whatnot. :p
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