
Mar 16, 2010 07:07

FOUND MY PHONE!! YAY! Sabrina had it. It was in her car seat. Must've happened when I put the car seat in. I don't care. I'm just happy it's found. :p


And we now have a new computer. Thank God. We've needed a new computer for quite a while now. It's one of those ones that doesn't have a tower, it's all just built into the moniter. Very space saving. :)


I watched a movie called Temple Grandin last night. It's a really good movie. Clare Danes plays Temple Grandin, who is an autistic lady that designs something like a cattle herding system to keep the animals calm before they get slaughtered. It's one of them inspirational movies, but it's really good.

And Clare Danes did an excellent job in this movie. She's one of my favorite actresses. ;)


We kept the puppy another night. I'd love to keep her forever, but she really does eventually have to go, and I know this. And it's always better to get rid of them early so you're not attached. Can you dig it? Not to mention, she's gonna be huge!


Donno if I've mentioned it, but Bean's school is closing down after this year, which is BULLSHIT! They said if we got 60 kids in, which we got 77 in, that the school would stay open. But now they're saying it's all about the money and all this other crap. The other Catholic schools were just looking for a way to get us out of here. Which is ridiculous, because now there are no Catholic schools in Warren. I either have to send Hannah to this preppy, rich-bitch Catholic school in Howland, which is expensive as hell, this little Catholic school in Niles, which is even cheaper than where we're at now, but it's not in the same school district, or public schools.

I like the school she's in now. I know how they all work over there. My aunt and uncle have been going to church there for a LONG time. (Did I mention the church may go to??) AND my uncle works there. So it really felt kind of like a little family community type thing for me.

But I guess there was a lot of bullshit with some people, and they've just been itching to get St. Pius X out of the way. Why? I don't know. But I think it's all just bullshit. I think we were supposed to be shut down this year, but someone, somewhere helped us, but there's no saving us now. It's done and unless someone comes up with hundreds of thousnads of dollars, it's gonna stay that way. :-/


I have to work tonight.... :-/ BLeh. I'd much rather stay home and SLEEP! I've just been wanting to sleep lately. It's horrible. I hate feeling like that. :-(

work, sabrina, church, actress, aunt and uncle, school, sleep, computer, puppies, movie, phone

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