Feb 01, 2010 07:27

Jesus, strike me dead now. I feel like such a complete jackass. I've been making headers for the Skinsstillness challenge, and I've been spelling them Skinstillness, and not Skinsstillness.... I feel like a complete fucking retard right now!! They were all looking so good too!! :..-( FML!

Which means, I'm gonna have to find a way to fix these babies, or just completely do them all over again... :-/ I really don't wanna have to do them all over.


Anyways, here's a recap of my weekend. Saturday, Hannah and I went to Imelda's (I know her and her boyfriend Matt from work) daughter's b-day party at Skate Zone. It was so much fun.

Hannah got to skate for the first time. Haha, that was cute. She kept falling on her butt. So, I helped her walk around the rink and everything. She started getting the hang of it by the time we left.

We played LASER TAG!!! FUCK YEAH MAN!! I LOVE Laser Tag!! I shot Imelda a couple times. Haha! I TRIED to get Matt, but everytime I saw him, he tagged me first. It was so frustrating. He got MVP of the whole game. MOTHER FUCKER DIDN'T GET SHOT ONE FUCKING TIME!!! UGH! I was PISSED.

I got MVP of my team. Fuck yeah, I started off slow, then I just jumped out and started tagging motha fuckas!! HAHA! I came in third place all together. I'm pretty damn proud of myself for that one. :) Well, KINDA. It was a bunch of kids... Lol.

Anyways, it was still a bunch of fun! I think I might have Bean's next birthday party there. ;)


Today, I think was supposed to be Hannah's 100th day of school, but I think tomorrow is now. They had a snow day the other day.

OH YEAH! I got her all ready that day and everything. Went to the bus stop, no bus came. Came home, looked at the news, still didn't say school was closed, so I finally called the school to make sure and see what was going on. Sure enough, school was closed. Ugh. So annoying!! :-(


My phone's on again! YAY! I'm happy bout that one. I missed it so much. I never wanted a cell phone, until I had one. I just like the texting. :p I'm addicted to texting. ;)


I've been having WEIRD dreams lately. It's so crazy. I had a dream Imelda's daughter, Kacie, and Matt had these black masks on and he was giving her a piggyback ride. I was driving in a car, and I almost backed into them. It was funking WEIRD I tell you. I'd never met Kacie before I went to her birthday party, and I had the dream like 2-3 days before.


But now I'm off. I think I may get some weed and smoke a bowl or something. :-/ Maybe take a nap before I go to get Hannah.

party, work, dreams, school, skinsstillness, weed, imelda, birthday, phone, skating, headers, daughter, weekend, matt, beanie, nap, texting, weirdness, laser tag, skins, hannah, bus

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