
Dec 20, 2009 03:03

dpsetsfire : hi
Me : Hello
How do you do?
dpsetsfire :  i do fine
how do you do
Me : Pretty good.
What you been up to?
dpsetsfire : not much
just got in from a party
Me : Niice. :p
dpsetsfire : how old are you again?
Me : Lol. 22.
dpsetsfire : 27.
Me : So what did you wanna talk about?
dpsetsfire : you pick
Me : Do you read?
dpsetsfire : i do
Me : Aah. What do you read?
dpsetsfire : a lot
Me : Like what? What's your favorite?
dpsetsfire : just finished the lost symbol
Me : What's it about?
dpsetsfire : its a sequel to the da vinci code
Me : Oh. So is that your favorite?
dpsetsfire : its good
nick hornby is my favorite
Me : Is that an author or the name of a book? :-/
dpsetsfire : author
Me : OOh. Um, what do you do for a living?
dpsetsfire : photographer you?
Me : Niice. I work at a plastics plant... :-(
What do you photograph?
dpsetsfire : women
Me : :-? Naked??
dpsetsfire : sometimes
Me : Do you work for a company?
dpsetsfire : i work for myself
Me : What made you decide to get into photography?
dpsetsfire : just liked it
Me : How long have you been doing it?
dpsetsfire : 5 years
Me : What kind of music you listen to?
dpsetsfire : hip hop
do you have any pictures
Me : Not really. You can go on my MySpace I guess and see my pics... :-/
dpsetsfire : whats your link
Me : Give me a second.....
dpsetsfire : youre fucking hot
Me : Lol... Um, thanks.
dpsetsfire : what r u werin
Me : Lots of clothing.
dpsetsfire is Offline

Sorry, I donno why, but I found this pretty damn funny. I get an IM out the blue from this cat every once in a while. And everytime it comes down to him asking me what I'm wearing.

I really do not see the point in having cyber sex. Its just very much a turn-off for me. :( Whatever.

I just thought it was funny he signed off like that this time. Lol. Oh well. I'm guessing he wasn't really trying to talk anyway... :-/

people, cyber sex, ims, funny, randomness, guys

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