Blue on black, tears on a river....

Dec 15, 2009 09:30

I thought I was gonna have it made last night at work.... but nope. At first, I had this chick helping me, and the supe came and told me to ween her into the press. So I did. She was doing a GREAT job. I come back from break, and GUESS WHERE I GOTTA GO!?! I gotta go work with stalker boy. :-/ It wasn't that bad, THANK GOD!

Everybody just got the biggest kick out of it. Josh kept coming over making stupid jokes about it. GAH! I wanted to kick him in the shins. :p

And I've made a new friend at work. ;) She's my little homie. She's a bit young, and short. Hence the "little" homie. :p

OH YES!!! Hannah's daddy FINALLY DID SOMETHING RIGHT!!! He came to the Christmas Program last night. OMG! My mom said she was SOOOOO happy, that when she saw him she took a running fly/jump into his arms. :) I gotta give him kudos on this one. He NEVER makes it to any of these kind of things, and he's usually just never around. It makes me happy, 'cause it makes her happy, ya know? I can't stand his ass, but as long as she's happy, who am I to get in the way??

Ok, but I'm outtie now. I'm tired as hell. Gotta go get a shower, and then go help my Aunt Donna with some Christmas stuff. :p Toodles!! :p

work, aunt and uncle, josh, aunt donna, shower, kay, homie, homeboy, stalkers, aunt, daughter, scott, beanie, christmas, tired, hannah

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