So sleepy.... :(

Dec 09, 2009 15:15

First off, I cut my damned leg shaving this morning. It seems my legs were very dry, and when I went to shave, it tore a whole layer off. :-/ I didn't realize that I had cut it so badly. Well, I went up in Erica's room and my leg felt wet.... I thought it was just water from the shower, but then I looked down. =O

OMG, there was blood all over on my pants. I pulled my pant leg up, and my whole leg seemed to be covered in blood. It was just oozing out of the cut. :-( Erica almost started freaking out. She got my a band-aid and washcloth. The band-aid was soaked with blood within 2 minutes. So I took it off and tied the washcloth to my leg for a little while. It worked. :)

I was like 5 minutes late getting Hannah from the bus. Bus driver's pretty cool though. She doesn't let Hannah walk home alone. She waits for someone to get there. I think it's nice of her. :)

I've only had like 2-3 hours of sleep, and I have to work tonight. :-/ My hands hurt from working this same damned press every night. I really wish he would switch me. Find someone else that can run this press. I'd really like to have some easy nights at work. :-/

Last night I was fine, up until about 4. Right before I went on my break, my labeler ran out of labels. Then, when I came back, it was screwing up the whole time. Completely threw me off my A game. :-( Luckily, by that time I had some help. :) Dear Lord, baby Jesus, if they hadn't been there, I do know what I would've done. :-/

Also, there was this new guy that helped me... He looked like a mix between Hayden Christensen and Adam Brody. :-/ Almost, kind of, how I picture Adrian. :p Only this guy was WAAAYY too skinny to be my Adrian.

I just realized this morning, I like guys with a little bit of meat on 'em. Not fat, but not uber skinny. Stalky. Big shoulders, tall. Alexander Skarsgard is about what I like. Not necessarily the blonde hair. I like medium-dark hair on guys. :p

I'm off now to find some songs for the VA Challenge. ;P

bathtub, work, shower, bath, sleep, tub, daughter, blood, beanie, music, guys, fanmix, va challenge #3, cuts, hannah, songs, bus, erica

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