'Cause I'm as free as a bird now....

Nov 07, 2009 08:47

I went to sleep about 12:15 yesterday afternoon and didn't get up until 6. Then I ate dinner, my ride came at 6:30 (My work doesn't start until 8.) and I went to sleep in the breakroom until 10 til. Ugh, I was SOOOooo tired. And I DON'T know why. I guess it was just one of those days, 'cause EVERYBODY else at work was tired too. :-/

Oh, and a couple people outted me for like Josh, too..... :-/ I go and talk to him on my breaks. I know, obvious, right? But that doesn't mean I want to be asked or teased about it... :-( Oh well, I should've known. Working in a plastics factory is like living on a tiny island... EVERYBODY knows EVERYBODY'S business.

I'm gonna try to catch up on some more Skins today. Hannah should be going with her G-Ma Debbie later, so I don't have to worry about her seeing or hearing it.  ;-) I DO NOT like Tony. He's a little fucking prick. He does not deserve Michelle. Sid is so cute. :) I wish more guys were like Sid.

Has to do laudnry BAAADDD!! And some cleaning. Since Hannah's gone for the day I'm gonna clean her room, and playroom. It'll stay nice at least for today. I swear, whenever I clean this playroom is when her and her friends decide they wanna play in it. After they mess it all up, they want nothing to do with it. :-/ Ugh, it's so annoying. I also want to give Miseur Dude a bath. :-/ He's a bit stinky. He also took off yesterday, and when he does that he can come back STANKING!!! I mean, like, road kill or something. YUCK! It's so gross... :(

Tomorrow I'm going to my Aunt Donna and Uncle Bob's to help them with yard work before it snows. :) I LOVE going to my aunt and unc's. It's so peaceful out there. I always tell them I want that house when they die, but I think they're gonna give it to one of their own kids. :-/ Not to mention, there's a LOT to do around that house. They keep up on the mulch every year, trim the bushes, rake/blow the leaves. They just got the driveway redone. They want to paint the house. My uncle is one of those guys that knows a LOT about landscaping and construction. Not to mention he was a journeyman electrician. He actually built the house he lives in now. I wish he could teach me a lot of the stuff he know, but he's not in too great of shape right now. He's in his 70's and I think it's finally starting to catch up with him. :(

Ok, but enough rambling. I have things to do. :-)

work, day, tomorrow, aunt and uncle, josh, aunt donna, today, sleep, uncle bob, g-ma debbie, homeboy, daughter, beanie, house, skins, hannah

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