
Oct 08, 2009 07:01

I iz sick... :-/ I think I have Bronchitis. LIfe sucks. I thought I was gonna puke jus a few minutes ago. The last time I had Bronchitis I had it for about 2-3 weeks. What was messed up about it was I went to the hospital and they told me it was just some virus I'd have to let run it's course. The next week I started puking from coughing so much and went back and they told me I had Bronchitis. They gave me the medication for it, and the next day I was feeling SOOOO much better. I was PISSED!!

If I get too much worse, I'm going to the hospital. I should probably go anyways. I don't wanna have the swine flu and not know it. :-/ This is NOT cool.I get sick once every year, and it's always Bronchitis. And every year it feels like part of my throat and lungs are being torn apart. This shit HURTS!I was hoping I wouldn't get sick this year, but I did. :-( I'm so tired, I can't think right. I have to work tonight, but I CANNOT afford to stay home. Not only that, they've just started laying people off. I don't want to help the chance of my being laid off by missing work. My mind is all cloudy. I'm not functioning properly.

But for now, I must be off. I have to walk Hannah to the bus stop. And I think she's fallen back asleep... :-/ This is gonna be a great day... :(

daughter, beanie, work, sleep, bronchitis, tired, hannah, sickness

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