Another drama-filled day.:-/

Jul 30, 2009 05:22

So, I get woke up about 12:30 to Trisha telling me Diana's mom killed a man last night. :-O Shocking?? NO! Diana's mom is fucking NUTS!!! Seriously. Just LAST summer, she hit a man in the head with a hatchet. A FUCKING HATCHET!! I'm surprised THAT man didn't die.

Well, anways. I suppose this guy came out and at Diana's mom and sliced her with something along the ribs. Diana's mom pulled out her pocket knife and stabbed him.

Honestly, I don't know wtf to think, or how to feel in this situation. I mean, I feel bad for Diana and Melanie (her mom), but I don't. I almost feel numb, or cold because of the perdicaments they put themselves into. And I've had to deal with all of their lies, and pity me, manipulative bullshit for so long, I can't feel for them anymore.

Diana's mom is a drug addict. Point blank. Alcoholic/drug addict. She's been on and off crack for a LONG time. NEVER stops drinking. Has whored herself around town to make ends meet, and get her fixes. Everytime I've EVER seen this woman, she's been fucked up. I mean, really? How CAN I feel bad for this woman, when she does NOTHING to better herself?

And Diana is going to end up the SAME FUCKING WAY if she doesn't quit now, and realize wtf she's doing to herself. Everybody's told her she's gonna end up like her mom if she doesn't quit. I really don't want to see that. The only difference is, if Diana were in a situation like what just happened to her mom, Diana would be dead. Her mom is one tough bitch, I'll give her that, but Diana?? She's just a little girl who doesn't know SHIT about the real world, because she blinds herself from it. She's all up in the mix, but doesn't know what she's mixed up in.

Then Trisha comes over about 10:30 and tells me they just put HER mom in the fucking hospital. She was delusional. Trisha's dad has been dead 10 years, and her mom was insisting he was alive, and they lived in the house where he died at. I have NO idea what was going on with her.

Trisha feels basically the same way I do. Although, Trisha was crying. Why? Not because she felt bad for them, but because she couldn't feel bad for them. She couldn't cry FOR them. She was crying because she felt like shit because she wasn't crying FOR them. I told her that's what happens when you have to deal with this shit all the time. You can't feel bad for someone everytime THEY fuck up their own lives. It gets old, and you get used to it. You already know it's gonna happen, so it doesn't give you that shock that makes you cry.

So I donno. I just don't know what to feel anymore. I can't deal with this shit anymore

trisha, day, hospital, crying, druggy/alcoholic, lynn, fuck my life, diana, melanie, murder, feelings, numb

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