Jun 07, 2009 14:43
So, my computer's still not fixed yet. I'm at my Aunt Donna and Uncle Bob's house helping them with all the yard work. :) I really like doing the yard work out here. I don't know why. They've got a nice BIIIG yard.
Well, here's my past few days for ya. I went to work Thursday, and I was going to be on an automatic press and help on the floor, but I guess my supervisor didn't want me there, so they switched me to a different press that was down. So I was labeling the boxes for my press and another press, when I was told I had to go that other press because the lady couldn't keep up on it... ;( Which TOTALLY FREAKING SUCKED!!!! The one press I was supposed to be on was down half the night, and the other half they didn't run ANY good parts AT ALL!! I was pissed. I was supposed to be over there, but instead, I was slaving away at this fast ass press.. UGH. It's just my luck though.
The next night, I had only had 2 hours of sleep. Needless to say I was falling asleep at my press... AGAIN!! I really have to get my sleep. Sleep deprivation is NOT a good thing.
Yesterday, I had about 3 hours of sleep and I came out to my Aunt's and did yard work... God, was I tired when I got home. I slept from 8 - 10 this morning, woke up and went to church, and now I'm back out here again. :D
But yeh, I've gotta go do work now... :-/
aunt and uncle,
sleep deprivation