Broken arm...

May 26, 2009 20:18

So, I took Hannah to the emergency room, and Dum Dum DUM.... She broke both bones in her arm. It's actually called a Torus fracture, or a Buckle fracture. Basically it means, she bent the bone in her arm, and they DID break, but her bones are so flexible because she's so young, that it didn't completely break like an adults. Her bones didn't move, but they broke, which was also a good thing. If not, they would've had to reset it and everything.

They put a splint on it for now, and it's so funny looking, 'cause it's a huge bandage. Lol. She looks so cute, and I feel so bad for her. :-/

I have to take her to see an orthopedic (bone) doctor in 3-5 days. She's going to get a cast on then. :/ Which means no swimming for her, for about 6 weeks. :( Poor thing. She's really gonna cry about that one.

Good thing, she's not even crying or whining about it. :D I'm so proud of her. :) I'm so happy it's not TOO bad either.

daughter, beanie, arm, wrist, hannah, doctor

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