What an interesting week.... :-/

May 20, 2009 09:41

Soooo, I've had an interesting week.  Well, you know how I said we got rid of Bruno... Yeh, he's back. :) The guy that took him wasn't allowed to have pets, and Bruno's a barker/whiner, and I guess the Landlord drops by alot. Anyways, the guy got in trouble for having him, and we've got him back. :-/ While I'm not exactly ecstatic about it, I'm not surprised or mad. I LOVE my Bruno, but he's just TOO much sometimes.

Dude AND Bruno got out last night. I got Bruno in, but Dude took off, to I have NO IDEA WHERE, and I'd LOVE to fuckin' know. He came back last night, and was covered in I don't KNOW what, and smelled like a ROTTING FUCKING CORPSE!!! OMG! I had to give him a bath, and wash him like 4 times... It was SO disgusting. I almost projected vomit just trying to get his collar off.... WHICH, by the way, had all the nasty, gooey, whatever the fuck he got into, RIGHT. ON. THE. BUCKLE PART!! I HAD TO TOUCH THAT THING!! EWWWW!!! DIS.GUS.TING!!! This is the THIRD time he's got out and came back smelling like that. Just within the past 2 weeks or so... This time was SOOO much more worse than the other times.... BLEK! I NEVER want to smell that again.

AND TO TOP IT OFF, I found out I have cockroaches!!!  We called the exterminator and he came out and did his thing today. $125, he actually gave us a discount I guess, 'cause he was only supposed to do the bathrooms and kitchens, but he did every room, which is fuckin' AWESOME!! My mom's freaking out, like, "My house isn't that dirty is it?" He's said, "Ma'am, I've been in MUCH worse than this. Your house is not that bad." He also said, the number one cause of cockroaches is you bring them in from somewhere, like the grocery store, or you could even step on one outside and not know it, and have it's egg sac on your shoe or something. Though, you CAN get them from being disgustingly dirty.  Anyway, I'm glad we called the exterminator.

I also cleaned and rearranged my mom's room last night. What fun that was. And MY GOD, my daughter has a lot of toys. I need to go through them again and get rid of some more. She's got toys EVERYWHERE. My room, my mom's room, her room, my sister's room, and all three bathrooms.  It's ridiculous. I just went thgouth them like, 3 months ago.

cockroaches, daughter, beanie, cleaning, bruno, dude, dogs, hannah

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