Drama, drama, drama... >:-(

May 02, 2009 19:17

So, this must just be a bad day for people here in Warren, or at least the people around me. My sister's boyfriend was walking down the street today, and the dog across the street bit him. Needless to say, we called the cops.

After the cops left, the lady came out yelling at us, 'cause we called them. I'M SORRY! I ACTUALLY TAKE CARE OF MY DOGS!!! I  DON'T JUST CHAIN THEM UP AND LEAVE THEM ALONE! I rarely EVER see that lady taking care of her dog. And then this chick told us that we're predujice because my dumbass sister, who lives nextdoor, decided to get drunk with this bitch across the street and tell her that she don't like black people! NOBODY in MY house is prejudice. My sister's always saying 'Nigger this, and Nigger that.' And I fucking scream at her about it. I AM NOT prejudice, and I DON'T like prejudice people.  We have all kinds of people come over her, black, white, mixed, Puerto Rican, Indian, you name it. WE ARE NOT PREJUDICE, AND THE SHIT PISSES ME OFF THAT THIS BITCH IS TRYING TO SAY WE ARE!!!

Anyways, this dog has been running around the neighborhood because these people don't put it on a chain, or they chain him up on a leash, and it breaks the leash. Well, we've told these people plenty of times to keep their dog on a chain, and to keep an eye on him. The dog terrorizes EVERYBODY!!!  I can't even let my daughter play outside without worrying about her getting bit by this dog.

EVERYBODY that lives here with me has almost got bit by this dog, except me. Either the dog just DOES NOT like me or it DOES like me, I can't tell. The dog has never bit, or tried to bite me. He just runs away from me. I had to go save Trish from the dog one time, 'cause Dude got out and was about to run away, and she was chasing after him, and the dog came up and was trying to bite her. >:-(

Well, Steve (my sister's boyfriend) went to the hospital and they gave the report to the health department, and while I feel bad, they said the people have 5 - 10 days to do something with the dog or it's getting put down.

And my friend Diana happened to come over JUST as all this was going down, because she's going to the hospital 'cause she's got really bad pains in her stomach.. :-/ I hope she's ok.

And that's the drama for my day. I hope I have a better night at work... :-/

trisha, work, day, friends, family, hospital, prejudice, diana, drama, neighbors, dogs, sister

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