The day....

Apr 30, 2009 22:00

Well, I fell asleep in the tub again for about three hours yesterday. Mind you, that's all the sleep I got.  I tried to take a nap later, but it just wasn't happening for me.  :-/ Then, I had to go to work. Yeh, I'm back on a press now. Luckily, my press was down, literally, half the night. I'm really mad at myself for messing up the night before. >:( I feel really stupid.

Anyway, after work, I had to go for the first part of my G.E.D. It consisted of Mathematics, and Language Arts. (More or less, the writing half.) My 2 favorite subjects. YAY! :D There was 2 parts to the math. I'm almost positive I aced the second. The first I'm not so sure.

The language arts, shiiit, I did GREAT on that. I LOVE everything that has to do with reading and writing, and just language period. I actually probably could've been the first one done, if I hadn't fell asleep with the LA part. Even still, I had all my multiple choice done before everyone.

After the multiple choice, I had to write an essay on a person or character from a book or movie that is influential to me in some way. I chose Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy. :p I also suggested that if they hadn't read the book, they should. :D Haha, pimpin' out VA in m G.E.D. essay. I crack myself up sometimes. :)

Then, I came home, played on the PC for a bit. About an hour later, I had to pick up the Bean (Hannah). Stayed up with her for a while, then I ended up crashing on the couch for a couple hours. Woke up, got Beanie a bath, and ready for bed. And that pretty much concludes my day. Nothing TOO spectacular. The only thing I'm hoping, is that I pass my G.E.D. I don't see why I wouldn't. I feel like I did really good today. :)

I go back tomorrow for the second half of my G.E.D. I believe that consists of Social Studies, Science, and Reading. I'm not positive about the Reading, but I know it's Social Studies and Science.

press operator, essay, work, science, social studies, bath, sleep, computer, tub, rose, daughter, language arts, beanie, vampire academy, g.e.d., writing, reading, math, hannah, pimping

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