The Rest of my Lovely day... :-|

Apr 27, 2009 21:03

So, after the fiasco of this morning, Trisha came over, and we took Beanie (Hannah), and the dogs to 2 different parks and she rode her bike a bit, and we walked like half-way across the river to an island. It was hilarious trying to get the dogs in the water... :D Especially Bruno, our puppy. Well, he's 10 months, but he's HUGE!!! He doesn't seem like a puppy. He was scared to at first, then once Dude, our other dog, got in and was doing his thing, Bruno finally decided to come in and play. It was adorable, he looked like he was happy that he accomplished coming in the water.  :D We loved it.

We also threw them in a pond at the other park. They didn't like that one too much.... :-/

Then it was time to come home, and Hannah just wouldn't stop whining. Well, on the way home, we stopped at McDonald's for dinner. We were in line, and there was a car behind us talking to some guy, that seemed to be asking for change.... Anyways, we had pulled up to the speaker and the lady behind us hadn't pulled up yet. We heard the lady behind us say, "We ARE in line." So Trish and I both looked back, and some ASSHOLE had pulled in right behind us, and wouldn't move. Even the guy they were talking to told them that was ignorant that they did that. I mean SERIOUSLY, how do you just do that? >:-(

I suppose that's just some of the ignorant shit you gotta deal with where I live. I already told you how stupid the kids are in my area.... I SERIOUSLY need to get the fuck outta here, but I'd miss everyone too much. I know I would. I wish I could move all my people out of here. That would be awesome shit man. :-)

But yeh, I've got a sunburn... :-/ I'm not exactly one that likes to sit out and burn so I can tan. 'Cause that's all that happens basically, is I burn. I'm a red-head, so I burn. I could care less if I'm pale. I like my pale skin. Though, I like having a tan too, a natural one at that. I DO NOT like going to the tanning salon to 'fake bake'. Just not my style. If I happen to get a tan/burn, it happens. :-/

But I had lots of fun today at the park with Trish. I love hangin' out with Trish. She always seems to be able to get me out of the house and have a good time when I need it. :D

When I got home, I ate my food, and went through the garbage because I have no idea what happened to my paycheck. :-( Ridiculous. I set it down on the bookshelves, went back to get it, and it was GONE!!! Fuckin' ridiculous man. I asked everyone if they picked it up. They tell me no, they have NO idea what could've happened to it. I would like to know how the fuck something like that just disappears!!! Still haven't found it. :-/

Then I cleaned up the kitchen and dining room, and now here I am, explaining my day. It had it's ups and downs. I suppose no more or less than any of my usual drama..... :-/

My life REALLY sucks. I don't know how I stay so happy most of the time, but I can see why when I break-down, I'm DOWN, and it's really hard to bring myself back up. Even Trisha says she doesn't understand how I haven't lost my mind yet. I suppose I just try REALLY hard to stay happy.

I wish I could have my feelings and thoughts come out as poetic, and beautiful - even if it's filled with nothing but sadness, or random shit - as Janey's. That girl really has a way with words. :D

All's I have to say now, is I want a new life.... :-/

trisha, dining room, paycheck, day, kitchen, mcdonald's, dude, sadness, feelings, dogs, life, people, ignorance, daughter, beanie, janey, park, garbage, ups-and-downs, water, cleaning, assholes, drama, bruno, river, randomness, hannah, pond, thoughts

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