Once you have been tagged, you have to write 10 weird, random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged -- list their names, and why you chose them.
1. I would rather cross my legs for three more hours than use a public restroom. I HATE, ABHOR and CANNOT STAND public restrooms. ( I don't mind redundancy though.) Also, I will not bring any sort of food or drink near a restroom, even the home one, even if the drink has never been opened. Not even bottled water, not even if it's inside a backpack.
2. I love the rain (and storms) so much that I refuse to carry an umbrella just because I find being caught in a storm exhilirating. I secretly want to be a stormchaser.
3. I currently have an offer to live in Las Vegas, Nevada.
4. I am planning on getting a tattoo on December 17th of this year, if at all possible. (it's a monday, which rocks. that means hopefully it will be that day)
5. When I can afford to go back to school, I'm seriously considering getting a degree in music performance like I always wanted to. Annnnd considering U of I for it, since of all the colleges I've been to, it's my favorite campus/school/area
6. I was born in Fort Collins, Colorado but I have never been back at all, and we moved when I was only a month or so old, if not younger. (hopefully this changes soon)
7. I am part Osage, which is a tribe currently residing in Oklahoma that originally comes from the Missouri area. I actually have some genuine things from the tribe, given to me by my mom this past Christmas. My middle name is an Osage word.
8. I'm working on restoring a tenor sax that was my great grandfather's when he was a big band leader. It's gold plated and worth a LOT, monetarily and family history wise. Music has run in my family for generations. I have a concert pianist great aunt, sax and clarinet playing great grandfather and a few other musicians on my dad's side, as well as my mom who plays guitar and organ. Bonus secret: If I could get past the stage fright, I might start singing with people or try and do some singing in groups or whatnot.
9. I'm now an Apple geek. I don't really care if you baa at me or whatnot, I LIKE the ipods functionality, sound and capabilities, and more than that I adore my Macbook. I'm glad I switched, and I've never done more of the things I always wanted to do with a computer before. I heart Mac. End of story. Bite me if you don't like it. hehe.
10. I considered culinary school for a while. I love cooking and baking, and I do love the restaurant business. I thought about having an awesome arts cafe, where there'd be all sorts of fine arts plus coffee and sandwiches, and it'd be an all night thing. That's my little pipe dream for if I win the lottery or strike oil or somesuch. Oh yeah, and my mom and I love watching the food network and deciding what to try out. lol.
Let's see. I'm tagging....Geez, Bill took some people i'd have tagged. To those people, you'd better do it! :D
xlana because I heart you muchly and must know more weird things about you
cadiconcarne because I love you and must know more weird things about you
purple_dawn I challenge thee to come up with ten weird things I know nothing of, cuz that'll be interesting
truthisaburden because you're enigmatic
rhondalicious because I'm interested to know more about you.