(no subject)

Jun 14, 2004 16:53

Summer officially sucks. Big surprise. Ive been to one good party. Im just waiting, and counting down the days until July 6th rolls around and I get to go to San Diego for Warped Tour. And I get to see my best friend in the entire world. = ). I miss KT so much. I got in a fight with my dad last night and he hit me with a baseball bat ... I have a faaaat bruise on my back, but oh well I fucking beat the crap out of him then drove off. I just got back home and hes sleeping so I came on here to update. Lifes going to hell. I really need to talk to Katy because Ive been thinking A LOT about Kolton and the night he died. She was the only one who was there with me that night and the only one who saw what I saw so she's really the only one I can talk to about it all.

Billy --- The show on Friday was awesome. We owned that god damn moshpit. Im sorry about the whole "punks" thing, Ill fucking kill them all. hah. Thanks for everything dude. And hey, how the hell did I end up in your closet?? .... Id really like to know.

Katy if you read this, call me on my cell phone please because I wont answer the one at home and I need to talk to you.

we live each day for you. RIP Kolton .... RIP
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