Mar 16, 2008 22:36
My first post since having this. How sad x___x; Hopefully I'll get better.
Today is the last day of Spring Break. Tomorrow we start school again. I don't think I'm ready. I signed up for this French National Exam and it's this week I think. I'm ready to get that over with due to a promised pizza party. Yes~ I mean... Who can say no to free pizza? No idea. But anyways I hope I do good on it, it's suppose to not count against you but at the same time it can do good for you if you get a high grade on it. My teacher said it will look nice on a college application.
This past break has been pretty decent. Last Friday I went to the mall for a final farewell to my cousin Maggie. She's in the same grade as I, her being 18 now. But she is moving to Florida to live with her mom and sister. It'll be weird going to school without her, but I wish her the best of luck in having a better life and school experience. I hope she meets lots of nice people and make tons of friends. She's a little scared so wish her luck ^_^
She begins Tuesday.
That night I rode home with my friend Kaz after she took me to play lazer tag with the mall rats. I have been wondering what they've been up to after scoping the mall. It was so much fun. I only got one person the first time because my gun didnt work. But I got a lot better. It was a neat experience. When we got back to Kaz's I got to meet her parents and her two dogs, Zelda and Angel. Now Kaz's dad is an Ex-Navy Seal and their house is full of memorabilia. I guess you could say. And Kaz and her brother are like novelty freaks. They have so much Transformer and Star wars stuff. And they are video game whores like my friend Ren. Her brother works at Best Buy so she gets the first touch of any new game that comes in. But anyways, we were playing Guitar Hero 2, which was my first time. I was a Guitar hero virgin :P I've played Rock Star at my cousin's house, on the drums, mic, and bass. I don't think I played guitar. But yeah, I was getting into it and it was fun. My favorite song had to be Psychobilly Freakout. I was horrible at it, but it was fun. Like Trogdor XDDD I loved playing that, just so I could sing/scream/rant along with Strong Bad.
I went home the next day and Sunday I stayed at Ren's house until the next day when mom and I had to run errands before the big dinner at the Purple Parrot. Ren is lj screen name is playing-suicide and she's on my list of friends if you wish to see her. I can't even remember what we were doing x__x; I think she was playing Xenosaga II and I got to play on her DS with Pokemon Pearl. But neways..
So Monday we had to go wash clothes at this laundry mat because our washing machine killed over. We used to go to this laundry mat when I was little so I was a little excited because it had some arcade games and stuff and I had lots of good memories there. Well when we got there... Majority of the tile on the floor was cracked and missing, water flooded some areas... it smelt really bad.. the coke machine was literally broken like it had a huge gash in the front... and only one of the arcade games worked but it's screen shrank. Some of the washers didn't work and some were really nasty.. It was just a bad experience all together. That night some of my family got together and I got to meet my cousin Eric's Fiance. They went to the same college in new york i think. And she's german and really smart like him. She seemed really nice. My aunt's gonna fly my mom and me out to New York in the summer for their wedding : D
So Tuesday my mom and I went to my grandparent's which is about an hour and a half away and in the middle of no where to work on my great grand mother's house. We're remodeling it and stuff for my mom to live in after I'm settled away in college. So we were there from Tuesday to Friday. My mom doing most of the work. She let me chill more than work because every time I go there I get so sleepy. I think it's because the beds are sooo comfortable. But friday was my mom's b-day and she turned 52. Believe me, she doesn't look like it. There is a bamboo patch on my grandpa's property and I worked in for an hour or two on the last day we were there. A lot of dead trees were holding down lives ones and stuff. I'm covered in scratches thanks to a huge thorn vine that was intertwined crazily in there. I also got a splinter in my leg which i didn't notice until saturday evening x__x; it took forever to get out.
Saturday I had community service at the zoo. No, I didn't kill anyone ( although I have a few people in mind XD ). It's for school. But anyways I show up and then my friend Brian does too :0 How cool. He's this guy in my US History class (class we have to do comm. service in) so it was cool. Also a girl that I knew through Drama was there for her history class. And another from a neighboring town. But it was fun. I got to get to know him better and stuff. We talked and joked around. He told me a lot about his home country, which is the Philippines. And his friends and family and stuff. It was really cool. But just so you know, we did work. And it was a lot with the hot sun being right there. We went around and picked up trash until all of the supplies were ready. In the Africa exhibit, there are these two hut painted concrete domes. Through the windows of one of them you can see these huge iguanas and snakes and stuff. Well the other needed the inside painted to get ready for incoming snakes. So that's what we did. And it wasn't easy. The walls being concrete. We also had to paint the ceiling and support beams. It didn't seem like much at first but it got really hard a while into it. Oh, also, caulking. We had to caulk the cracks between the wall and ceiling. We weren't any where near finished when our hours were getting close to ending. So Brian and I offered to stay an hour later to finish up the walls. The other two girls had to leave early because of jobs or family business. We got a lot done, although we didn't finish. I hope they some how got it finished. But it was fun. We were covered in paint and sweating like pigs by the time we got out of there.
After that I went home and took a shower, rested and then went back to Renny's place where we video gamed. She started Xenosaga III which was very exciting. It had the original voices, amazing battle system and crazy cool looking graphics. And this morning I finally finished FFIX : DDDDDD And now I shall start my adventure into Xenosaga. Yay!
School's tomorrow x__x; hope it goes well. Sleeepy sleepy.
roses_kurushii i hate titles