In which Lauren meets lot's of weird people at KI

Jun 22, 2004 23:07

I feel like such a douche bag. I went out with some friends from after work to Olive Garden, and then decided I did not want to stay out late cause I work early, so i made my Mom play chauffer. Sometimes I do not realize how self-centered I can be until I think about it. Oh well, I just need to think more. Like most of the world.

I had an odd day at work. First, I asked Zach to trade spots with me at Nick Toons cause I thought this man was cat-calling me, but it turns out he was not all there mentally and was doing that to everyone. Then at Star Search, I was standing out and this man comes up to me and starts telling me his life story for no particular reason. I did not quite understand all of it, but I remember him telling me about a relative in Paris and his tiny apartment, tennis balls from the Olympics and a supposed piece of junk chest that ended up being priceless. Another guy asks for my phone number and then tells me how his new cell phone got drowned and that he doesn't like talking to people...within like ten minutes of standing there waiting for a ride. More guys randomly asked me if I swing dance, and one guy was trying to show me how to Lindy-Hiphop and told me about a new swing cafe in Newport. They do a Thursday night thing just like Step-n-Out, except he says these people are better about asking others. Appaently they like teaching each other. Swing Buddies, we should check that place out sometime.

I need a day off like nothing else. Just one more bloody working day, then Thursday freedom!!!
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