Apr 23, 2005 15:45
So far today it is only 3:45 which means I have only been up for about two hours! I love college on Saturdays. Because Scott is working today from 9:45am-8pm I didn't have anything better to than sleep. Well really I should have gotten up and worked on my paper but that is what Sundays are for. Tomorrow I have a ton of research to do...but thats ok, because again I have nothing better to do! You wouldn't believe the weather out here...we have a freaking winter weather advisory until 6am Monday morning...WTF! I mean three days ago it was literally like 75 degrees, I got sunburned three consecutive days in a row, it was fantastic. Now are all bundled up and worried about our friends getting snowed in if it decided to get icy! Stupid mountine weather. Plus it has been raining almost none stop for two days now, and not little rain, like massive soaking rain. I will miss living with my friends, and doing fun college stuff over the summer, but I will definitely not miss this awful weather!
On a different note, my brother is the sweetest! I've been having a horrible week, and he listend to me rant about it for a long time, and trust me it was neither interesting or nessacary that he did. It was really awesome of him. But if you know my brother then you know he is a sweet kid, well not so much a kid anymore...but my kid brother.
Last night in fit what I know thing was stupidity I went to the gym with Bill. Really I was just super stressed and needed something physical to do. This morning my body had decided I definitely pushed to hard! I went to wash my hair in the shower, which was after I had trouble sitting up out of bed and realized my upper arm muscles were DONE! It was kinda funny...but only kinda because it hurts. I suppose later I should either go do some more exercise or at the very least streach it all out. Who knew you could make your entire body sore, seriously from my foot to my neck I am stiff. Which is in part because I have this stupid foot problem where it breaks all the time and it has trouble healing, so my foot is broken now and it thinks spending an hour in the gym is a bad idea. Meanwhile if you are thinking I'm an idiot for not going to the doctor over the foot thing, I have been to three, and the only solutions are...1-for the rest of my life wear tennis shoes with inserts (and she only thinks that will work, and I am not wearing tennis shoes forever, I love heals and flip flops) 2- deal with a broken foot and if it gets really bad put myself back in my foot brace, 3- have massive reconstructive surgery on my foot, because its a growth abnormality that makes my foot break all the time (and well cutting out part of my bone in my foot is not part of my life plan right now).
Lets see...what else has happend to me this week. Ummmm, Scott brought me roses last night! I love getting flowers, he has only given me flowers three times in the 2 and half years we have been dating, so its a fantastic little surprise! He knew I was having a bad week too, and wanted to make me feel better. I have the best guys in my life!
If you read these things I write then you know about my overdraw on my account. My Mom has still not spoken to me. I can't decide if thats good or bad. In an effort to continue my good Saturday its probably good, because I think its going to be a hard converstaion. Its never fun to hear your irresponsable when you already definitley know that, and feel very aware of how much you screwed somthing up.
Well I am off to wash sheets and play with the critters. They too should benifit from a lazy Saturday.
Quote for today:
"Smile Tomorrow Could Be Worse"
And to even things out:
"If its not fun, why do it?"