Apr 11, 2005 09:07
On the first day of the week (Monday) you forget you class does not start until 10, instead of 9:30 and are up and ready to go at 9am...and your not a morning person. When on that same day you expect to get a test back that your sure you failed, despite having studied and thought you understood it. When yet again on this same day you have to talk to two teachers. One of which is germ phobic, and you have the flu like no bodies business! REALLY HAVING THE FLU ON A MONDAY IS NOT A GOOD START!
During this week, you have a test in the hardest class you are taking! You have a project due for the germ phobic teacher, and its really hard and reallllly pointless. You know the week is bad when you have more sticky note reminders than places to put them around your monitor and keyboard. You know its going to be a rough week when you buy jeans...in the exact same size, style and brand as the ones you just ripped and they are awfully tight! (this is probably a girl thing, but trust me its a problem)
*sigh* I am cranky today. Maybe if the teacher who's test I failed lets me do some extra credit, and the stupid germ phobic teacher lets me get his lesson plan so as to avoid giving him said germ in class tomorrow I will be feeling better. However baring those two very specific things, be sweet to me because its a rough day!