small updates: still alive

Dec 09, 2013 23:07

sorry i haven't been on much recently.

i was going to make one big long rage post because my real life was rage-worthy but i couldn't find the time or energy to write it. and after a few weeks of procrastinating the post, my life got twice as rage-inducing so now i have 2 huge rants to write.

you wouldn't even believe my life. today has been so damn surreal. i'm not even going to go into details right now, i'll try to do it sometime on wednesday, but yeah. my life has been pretty solidly going downhill.

instead of ranting (for now), i'm going to post 2 poems i wrote. my sister had an assignment for class and wanted my help and i ended up writing my own poems with the same prompt as her assignment just for funsies. basically the prompt is that you stare at 10 selected images and write down a word/phrase that comes to your mind about the image. then that word/phrase needs to be used in each line of your poem. so in the attached poems i underlined whatever the words were i originally worked around. the words are also used in the order the photos were presented to me.

in other news, i got rejected by the ONTD community for the 11th time. i think i'm going to have to give up on that piece of work - whoever it is they'll accept is apparently something altogether different from what they outwardly state they accept. i also had to cancel my paid livejournal subscription because i'm literally too poor. it was really sad and i know that after xmas i wont be able to use some of my icons :(

anyway, poems under

about life and death
they are unearthly beings, those who
brought forth blood on the leaves. wild eyes,
harboring such hatred, deep-seated.
and their emaciated prisoners,
damned, to ascend only in death.
the dichotomous children, trapped between two truths -
sunrises and sunsets,
these, at the greatest risk of combustion.
so easily startled, easily swayed.
whispering in the dark under blankets, loaded questions.

olive green with gold trim
my sanctuary is so bright it is blinding
it’s serene, yet chaotic. a dense jungle
with a velvet throne, only worn and tattered.
an eternal slumber, but comfort gets old too quickly,
and my delicate eyelids feel both heavy and light.
change is continuous, change makes ripples, waves.
even the most intense passions do die, after all.
thus my indifference grows, chilling those around me
i can’t weep, can’t mourn. oh, my eternal slumber
all my dreams, violated. i’ve become unrecognizable.
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