057 | voice

Jun 23, 2009 11:19

[His voice is shaky and nasal, bitter and angry despite the clear sense of defeat; his words are occasionally punctuated by quiet, choked sobs and sniffling.]

No, no, no--

You're not gone, you can't be gone. You said you loved me, you weren't going to leave me, you promised-- I would have given you anything, I did, I needed you, why wasn't that--

[There's nothing but the sound of crying and heavy, shaky breathing for a few moments.]

Eleven months, to the day. Why would you take him away from me after all that time? When I finally--

I'm not still supposed to be here. Why won't you send me back too?

Shit, and-- if he comes back, what if he doesn't remember? Just like Stein, like Diva and Saya, no one that matters ever remembers. Please, just-- I can't do this.

soubi, but they withered all

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