eyah rihgt

Mar 31, 2010 00:07

     RIGHTS! yeah right write write..... Privileges. That's all anyone anywhere from any time has ever had. Every animal and every plant. Privileges. NEVER rights. Rights don't exist. I thought about maybe a God can have "rights" if its immortality and mobility can only be questioned internally. You know, the kind of God who is all powerful, rather than all the other creatures labeled as gods through the ages who might as well just be demons/angels of varying powers who no matter their general immortality can still die from external causes. But a Real God above all concerns for safety has no need of rights or privileges. Such an existence would be the kernel of life and just be whatever was interesting at the time for all time until it may wonder if it had the ability to kill it's self.
     If you can be killed then everything you have is a Privilege that can only be claimed so long as you convince the world around you it is yours. The IDEA of having the "right" to anything is a pleasant or horrible fancy. A nice IDEAL. Ideals are a good idea, I think we should all have a beneficial set of ideals. But Ideals are your guidelines, that's what makes them good. Not strict rules. They are often more useful than rules BECAUSE they can be very unrealistic and still produce great results. Rules are still always needed, but they need to be the careful absolutes. Carefully chosen as things that keep you well alive no matter your desires. Ideals can then mix accept your other desires while looking on to goals that don't have to makes much sense yet but may guide your path to a new world within your world.
    Laws are much like rights in the way people get confused about what they are. Mixing rules with ideals and adding in all manner of confused restraints and trying to make believe that anything said or written CAN be absolute. At best something IS because it is evident in the way you function. Subject to change, always, within the confines of your world. Think and define simply, abstractly simple but subject to reality. Rules on how not to die. Rules to find food and be able to eat it. Rules to keep sufficiently strong. Rules to keep the peace so long as the peace keeps you and your children well. Instructions really. Like engineering schematics that show you how to build well, learned though trial and error and refined with as much intelligence at hand. Then the Ideals are the visions of something new, maybe more practical and maybe just more colorful. You'll figure out new rules to make it work but the dream of what might be will tell you the direction. In the process the practicalities that bend your vision to a path will still allow you to see new ideals.
    You rise as high as you want within as much as you can. Mostly how well you eat and later breed. Your future being more limited by Quality rather than quantity. You live longer if you eat as few calories as possible while greedily ensuring you digest every last very very very particular kind of vitamin, mineral, protein, carbohydrate, and fat molecule as you need each given second of the day every day until you die. Like building a perfect fire to last long and quiet all day while you cook your food and heat your bones with limited fuel, rather than a giant bonfire  that consumes all in a blaze of glory gambled between heights of excitement and possible death. The rules and ideals. Because ultimately life is a prison you cannot escape alive but you can define it with whatever Privileges you may grasp or invent along the way and hold onto until you cannot.
     Rights are like claiming land you cannot own. It wasn't anyone's to begin with and it won't belong to anyone when you pass. You stake a claim but it's held with mutual agreement. On a handshake, on your ability to keep the wolves at bay... even one diseased bed bug in the night can take away your claim. So laws are just agreements of peace or violence and rights are claims of law. Your agreement is ALWAYS mutual. How else could it be?   
    Maybe you didn't agree to be born. The only way you did agree was if there is another kind of life before and then likely after this one. And so the rest of life is similar in that you don't have to consciously decide anything for it to happen. Life just is and all claims are just demands that don't have to be met no matter the insistence. Convenience will rule where ever you don't force the other way. The path of least resistance IS one of the rules you CANNOT change. Maybe not even as a God who can make a universe from nothing. All you do is add your own resistance against the flow and see if you can decide which side the new path goes. I'd like to be able to imagine a world where such an absolute didn't exist. It's just that if anything can move, it has to move where it has enough energy to move and without conscious effort to force a direction you would only move because you were pushed  or pulled without effort. It should be no wonder to ask something like "can bacteria have a kind of consciousness?" "is life just the ability to duplicate? maybe we need a lot more words to define existence. Is a Star alive? it does consume and die and produce planets and new stars from which grow all physical existence...." "could a concept of 'god' be an omnipresent consciousness with all the world its extension to bend or could 'god' be just as omnipresent like the concept of a soul for the whole world that does not have to be conscious to be a binding spark of life behind the life you touch?" whatever. It doesn't have to fit any one mind or any at all to be true but there are some points to existence that can be boiled down to basic rules you cannot break no matter how you try and those are the "truths to be held self evident" that at best some can fool themselves or others that they performed a magical way around these laws that will always be found to still rule your physically bound life. To all the religion and science abusing delusionals out there: That is what Science is about. To find the Truths that cannot be broken, like conservation of energy. And to call all scientific rule "theory" because intelligence says it's dreadfully ignorant to assume that what your sure of today will be just as sure tomorrow but it tends to be the better idea that rules set by those more intelligent while carefully clear of mind will be the rules that serve best. As finally becomes self evident when they are tried and tried again even though you may not understand much of why anything works.

and so i'm all over the place wanting to come back to the reality that nobody has any real Rights and never can no matter how you try to make it so as a human being on earth for all time so quit yer bitchin'   But for damn sure you can have a lot of Privileges taken and given at anytime which is sometimes summed up by citing "it's the rule of the jungle" which is again quite valid no matter where or who your are or become and you better know it   But so what, in an ideal world everybody serves everybody and never themselves which has the end result that you are always served by everybody else which is like you had many versions of yourself to serve your needs instead of just your own limited two hands  So damn, keep yourself alive but you can still see yourself in those around you all knowing this is never an ideal world but good enough is good enough and better is always going to be better so long as it really is better  be smart and make your Children smarter because you could have been smarter if your parents had had the same goal and then your life would be that much more promising   Say, rather than how many people are just too jealous of children to do much more than make them scapegoats  But if you boil it down you can decide whether you rather every human being after you die out from any combination of trouble internal or external or might you rather help build a future of not just more capable human being but potentially happier ones too. Really, I think conscious species survival boils down to jealous spite or deciding you'd like your children to have what you could not. And then like anything else, even if you call it a god's will, circumstance will decide everything you cannot. The walls of your world. The bits people talk about when they say "no matter how things change they stay the same."   The smart money is long term and long term can be guided by a smart mind.  Even if you blew up the whole world to orbit the Sun in a thousand pieces, I'd still be a world and it'd still be long term and whatever remained of your body would still be decomposing and being remade into something else. So why fight against life and with that question why not allow your kind the Privilege, the luxury of supporting other kinds of life that can serve you in ways you might not have noticed while you weren't bothering to wonder. For the long term. And no matter what you want to believe: You are still one of them, related to all of them. Even those bible thumpers against "other people places and things" have it in their books both that God created man from the slimy earth and that we all descend from the first people. Oh how small a stretch, if any at all, to say then that you are related to every Wo/man, animal, plant, fungus, and bacteria in existence. All just variations on a living theme and so get over yourself. Prefer this and that all you want, as makes sense to do so, but fuck you if you want me to believe your shit don't stink, or maybe literally your just smart about eating so it smells better and so great but don't get holier than thou about it. It's well enough to record some of what you've learned and be on your way. Variations on a theme. Give and take. Future IS your past. Now is all we have. Take what you can get but get to know what it is.

right real religion privilege take give

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