Title: Struggle
Prompt: What do you struggle with the most?
Rating: PG?
Summary: A bird struggling downhill until the end.
Author's Note: This morning, a bird flew into our living room window. It was so fast and I didn't even know it was a bird, until I got up to see what it was. It was lying on the dirt and shrubs underneath, not moving. I asked my mother to come see it, because I thought it was just stunned. It wasn't. From the impact on the window and the speed it was going, it broke its neck and died instantly.
"I have difficulty flying," the bird said, peering its head over the edge of the high rooftop. It ruffled its dark brown feathers against its light brown body, turning its head quickly from side to side. "Especially without much light. I can't."
"Nonsense," the other birds chimed. "All birds fly, no matter what. There are no 'if's, 'and's, or 'but's."
Each of them took turns dive-bombing the furry animals below. They were barking and snarling at them. A black one ran in circles around the yard and the golden one sat still. They weren't always outside, but because the sun wasn't shining and the temperature was down, the owners decided it was nice enough for them to be outside.
The birds weren't grateful, though. The loud barking disrupted their concentration, especially for the little bird.
"Come on," the few birds that were left mocked. "It's not hard, you know. It's instinct. Get going!" Those birds dipped off the roof and swooped up into the air, flying off without their youngest member.
The bird blinked its eyes and nervously looked down. The furry animals were scary enough as it was, not to mention adding in hardly much sunlight and a high rooftop.
It shook its feathers anxiously as it took a step back from the edge.
"I have to fly," it muttered under its tiny breath. "I have to.."
The bird scoot back on the tiles a bit more, spreading its small wings and flapping softly. Its tiny legs began to run towards the edge, making sure to keep its eyes off the ground below. It jumped into the air and dove forward.
A small gust of wind blew. The bird was thrown off course. Its balance was lost. Its vision was blurring from the fast heartbeat. Its brain couldn't function to work its wings.
The bird felt itself falling, diving from the rooftop fast and into a curve. It couldn't see where it was going, everything was a blur of green and grey.
The bird caught a quick glimpse of a little boy inside a house's window, unaware of anything but a glowing box in front of him. There was no cushion, nothing available to stop its impact.
Before it had any time to do anything, the bird flew into the glass window. It heard a snap, feeling itself get dizzy and starting to black out.
The bird fell onto a soft patch of shrubs and dry grass, one of its wings sprawled next to it. Its eyes narrowed as it wanted to cry out, just let its flock know it won't be able to catch up.
The bird told them, though. It told them it had trouble flying. They didn't listen, it's their loss.
The bird could no longer fly or learn to fly better. It tried its best and that's all that mattered.