So I see I haven't posted since 2014. I have no intention of catching everything up, but if I should mention anything that needs background, I'll try to give it.
I signed up to work census again, because it's a little extra cash and because the whole idea of the census is just so cool. It's one of the few things we do that is actually stated in the constitution. Plus, it's like this little snapshot that we add to the pile left by our parents and grandparents and great-great-ancestors and send into the future to our own great-great-descendants.
So I signed up ages ago and went in back in January to give them my fingerprints and some documents. And heard nothing. And then heard some more nothing. I figured it's a no-go. So last week they call and ask if I can take a training class starting the 23rd. I'm free, so why not. I opened up my calendar book and saw that I had written "Census?" on the 23rd of March. Son of a gun. Then I recalled that I'd been told I would be contacted within the next 8 weeks or so. It makes perfect sense. Training that week has everyone ready to go on Census Day, which is April 1. All you USers, when you're filling out your form, you're supposed to reflect what your world is like on that exact date.
Then last night, I got the call that they're going to try to get folks out there early, so they're training today. Well, I'll have to scramble a little, but I can do it.
Only I haven't passed the background check. We had a lot of trouble with this in 2010. Half the fingerprints were a disaster, including mine, which I think is likely the issue this time as I recently passed the (non-fingerprinted) background check to teach Sunday School.
Someone put my name through without the final check, so they sent me home. It's too bad, but fair is fair. It may also be just as well. I don't have the best lungs in the world, and there is that bug thing going around after all.
(Okay, that last bit is facetious. We've actually done quite a bit to prepare for coronavirus/COVID-19. We're taking it seriously by trying to keep things cleaner, practice good hygiene, avoiding touching things we don't need to touch, and generally trying to live a healthier lifestyle.)
Which brings me to my final thought today. I hope you are all doing things to stay safe and healthy.