~July Contest~

Jul 01, 2009 13:35

Hello there again, everyone. First off, I feel the need to apologize for not having some stuff done that should be. Like the contest prizes. The issue with that is that, yes, they are finished, but I am having issues with both my camera and my flash drive. It should be figured out soon, though. Gomen!

Okay, then, moving on~ It is the start of a new contest this month. Wahoo! And also, we had good member participation for the last challenge. Yay! I promise, I will read all of the stories posted soon, I just haven't been in a very fanfictiony mood. T.T

And also: WE REACHED 100 MEMBERS! BOO-FRICKIN-YA! XD Anyways...on with it....

July Contest
Accepted: Fanfiction and fanart
or "It's designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything is new again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains comes, it stops, and leaves you to face the fall alone."

  1. Must be j-rock (any band, any pairing)
  2. Must be rated NC-17 (that means sex)
  3. Can be any length (Drabbles not recommended considering time frame, but are acceptable)
  4. Has to be submitted by the deadline
  5. Has to deal with the prompt in some way (of course, your own interpretation of the prompt)
Deadline: Due August 1, 2009 at 12:00:00 PST or look here. ^___^

First Place: You receive two different things from me (look at the list below) and a congratualtory banner
Second Place: You receive one thing from me and congratualtory banner.
Third Place: Congratualtory banner

1. A story *oneshot only*, of any pairing, any rating (it doesn't even have to be smut if you don't want it to be), and any prompt.
2. A drawing of someone's face. (In pencil)
3. Icons of any person with any words.
So for those of you in first and second, you get to choose from these.

Okey dokey then. I felt too bad last time choosing who had a better story. Because I loved them all. T.T So this time I am going to have the members vote on it. Mmhmm.

And, if you plan on participating, please reply to this post. Also, please tell me if you want an individual prompt. Remeber to post you email for me. ^__^ Have at it!

!mod, contest: july 09

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