Are we back to square one? Nobody submitted anything. *tear* Once again, if you have any suggestions on bettering this community, please feel free to tell me. You can leave it in the comments, message me, email me, whatever. I'm happy to hear from you all! ^__^
So...hoping that you guys are not just prize whores, I'll do another challenge. Next month is the next contest. Of course, I'm going to promote, but it really is a pain in the arse to do it all myself. Any help would be much appreciated!
Moving on then, prompts:
and/or "All we need is the truth in our hand.
Someone to call a friend.
Never fear the darkness.
All we need is just the sun in the sky.
And the hope of a summer to come with the meaning of love."
Due July 1. And, guys, school is almost out (for some it is), so you really don't have an excuse. XD
Jya ne! ♥