Fifth Challenge

Feb 01, 2009 17:57

Yo there peoples! Wazzup? So...we had one person participate last time....hmm...better than the first one, but out of sixty members?! Not saying it wasn't lovely, because it was very much so. Thank you, darling!

Now...I'm gonna advertise us like a madwoman again (as I do every month) and I'm really hoping more people join and participate! *puppy eyes*

Prompt: Chocolate (in honor of Valentine's day -_-)

Okay, so please, have fun with that one and again: p-a-r-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-e!!!!!! Pwease? And possibly tell your friends?

Due March 1st as always. Plus you guys have until the end of the month to get in contest entries (if anybody even wants to)

Have fun peoples and Happy Valentine's Day! *grumbles about the stupid holiday*

!mod, prompt: chocolate, challenge

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