o~Nine Materia~o ~> Action

Jul 21, 2010 00:23

[Yuffie learned at a very early time that it was a bad idea to pay much attention to the journals for the time being. And as such, she's been laying low (hah~), and hasn't been spying on too many people.

But today? Today is a perfect day to find something shiny on the ground, and end up in a bike race, right?

Anybody out and about on this nice day can see the ninja zooming around for a good long while. She's actually very good at it, and can be seen even doing a few tricks...until, the expected crash into something/somebody.

Then she can be found staggering around the village looking like she's going to barf.

It might've been fun for those few minutes, but the motion sickness always gets to her. Don't get too close or she just might barf on ya.]

always a price for showing off, showing off, +vincent, +raphael, oh gawd motion sickness, knows how to ride a bike!, crashing and barfing will happen

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