"Stupid, jabbering, arse backwards, knob-headed little scrote..."
John's hands were clenched at his sides as he stormed down the hall. Of all the idiots that could have been roomed with a teen-aged girl, they had to pick the one that didn't have enough years on him yet to know to stop wanking off before talking. Or whatever the git thought that he was doing.
He moved down the hall towards the sound of Bella's panic and the boy's noise. When he got his hands around the kid's neck-- which was likely going to be less than five minutes from now, considering how much of a barricade bloody Miles was going to be-- he wasn't going to let go until the brat apologized and promised not to look at another lady until he'd learned his manners.
John's thoughts, however, where pushed to the back burner when he found himself with an armful of...Bella? He'd barely noticed the door swinging open. He held her up, awkwardly. "It's all..." He hesitated for a minute, trying to make sure that his desire to kill Carrot wasn't laced into every word.
"Oi, Bella, love, calm down for a moment..." He heard footsteps from behind them. "Miles and Quatre are on their way, love, calm down..."
John's hands were clenched at his sides as he stormed down the hall. Of all the idiots that could have been roomed with a teen-aged girl, they had to pick the one that didn't have enough years on him yet to know to stop wanking off before talking. Or whatever the git thought that he was doing.
He moved down the hall towards the sound of Bella's panic and the boy's noise. When he got his hands around the kid's neck-- which was likely going to be less than five minutes from now, considering how much of a barricade bloody Miles was going to be-- he wasn't going to let go until the brat apologized and promised not to look at another lady until he'd learned his manners.
John's thoughts, however, where pushed to the back burner when he found himself with an armful of...Bella? He'd barely noticed the door swinging open. He held her up, awkwardly. "It's all..." He hesitated for a minute, trying to make sure that his desire to kill Carrot wasn't laced into every word.
"Oi, Bella, love, calm down for a moment..." He heard footsteps from behind them. "Miles and Quatre are on their way, love, calm down..."
He hated comforting. Maybe Miles could take over.
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