
Oct 01, 2011 10:41

So, I borrowed the Christina Aguilera and Cher movie, Burlesque, I had wanted to go see it in the threaters but ended up not being able to watch in time.

It is campy, but with a musical its kind of hard not to be.

The movie really does showcase Christina's acting abilities and her music sequences were boss. Cher's music numbers were good too, however, pity she only did two. Overall, I thought the movie did a excellent job as a musical. It made sense why Christina was breaking out in song, no awkward moments when people are in mid-dialog and it turns into a song &dance number. The choreography was amazing as well were the dancers. The cuts and editing was good so it didn't look spliced. It was funny in the right places and catty at the nice places too.

However, I have to didn't quite understand why a small-town girl with big dreams would want to work at strip club/lounge. wouldn't she be aiming higher like a record contract? Cher's second sound number seem to have been placed at a odd place, I didn't get why she would suddenly was just singing without a audience. The end's song was nice, but the dialog was a bit Hollywood happy-ending. The dialog didn't really drive the movie. I guess with a PG13 rating its hard to make a movie that risque. While lots of skin, not as sexual as you would think a movie with so many hotties would have been.

I give the movie 8/10. The plot could have been better, but the soundtrack was just amazing. If you just closed your eyes and listen it was a delight. Totally should have seen this at the Grammys for Best SoundTrack.

christina aguilera, alan cumming, kristen bell, burlesque, cher

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