"I give up on Israel":

Dec 09, 2012 15:00

"I give up on Israel"

Joseph Farah
So I'm through making excuses for Israel. I'm through trying to understand the incomprehensible moves of a self-flagellating nation. I'm through trying to point out the moral rightness of a state and a people who themselves fail to discern right from wrong.
Like Jesus 2,000 years ago, I look at Jerusalem today and I weep.
I know I speak for many Jews and Christians throughout the world who see Israel's surrender as a cowardly betrayal, a sign that the Jewish state puts more faith in Washington and "international diplomacy" than in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Israel has made the mistake many times throughout history of turning away from their God. Israel has made the mistake many times throughout history of putting faith in kings and men over the promises of Heaven. Israel has made the mistake many times throughout history of compromise with its ruthless enemies who seek not only the destruction of the Jews but the oppression of their own people.
Enough of "land for peace." It has never worked - not in Israel's history, nor in any other nation's history. Enough of retreat. Enough of unilateral withdrawals. Enough of staged surrender. Enough of the appeasement with evil. Enough of the madness.

Compromise with evil is evil. And that's what Israel is doing. As for me and my house, I will not be a part of it. I will continue to serve the Lord and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
One thing is for certain. That peace will not come under the leadership of men like Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon. If the Israeli people want to disengage, it should be from so-called "leaders" like this - "leaders" in the image, likeness and tradition of Neville Chamberlain.
This is all true. Israel should not compromise with its ruthless enemies. Israel should not believe in "land for peace," which has been proven hollow again and again -- as any understanding of the jihad ideology would have shown Israeli leaders at the outset, if they had ever cared to look into it. Olmert and Sharon are more like Chamberlain than Israel can afford them to be.
But even if Israel has more faith in "Washington and 'international diplomacy' than in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob," does that mean that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has turned against them? I'm still hoping for a Churchill to follow these Chamberlains, and even if one doesn't turn up, I'm not going to give up, ever, not on Israel, not on Europe, not on America. As long as there is any pocket of resistance to Sharia and caliphate, I will be in it.

Will this mean an ever-dispiriting series of cultural and societal defeats and retreats, until there is literally nothing left? So be it. Pelayo was once in the same situation. If necessary, I will follow his example.


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Editor’s note: Are you ready for the Second American Revolution? Joseph Farah’s new book, “Taking America Back” exposes the weaknesses in America’s current system and offers practical solutions - solutions that are real and doable, solutions that can revive freedom, morality and justice in our nation. Order your copy now in WorldNetDaily’s online store, ShopNetDaily!
Over the last quarter century, the Hispanic population of the United States has exploded.
Immigration laws have been ignored. The huge border separating the U.S. and Mexico is virtually unpatrolled. And the illegal population of recent immigrants has been offered a series of amnesties forgiving past trespasses.
Some within that community - and it is certainly a small minority of the population - are resentful about life in America. Some are even promoting the idea of creating a separate Spanish-speaking state of Aztlan in the southwestern United States.
All this raises an obvious question: If life in America is so bad for Spanish-speaking immigrants, why do they continue to flock to the United States?
Why do I ask this question today? Not because I am writing about immigration in America, but because I want to make a point about immigration in the Middle East.
Conventional wisdom suggests a huge Arab population was displaced by the creation of Israel in 1948. It suggests the remaining Arab population in Israel has been mistreated. And it further suggests the solution to this problem is the creation of an Arab Palestinian state on Israeli land.
There are several glaring misconceptions in this view:
The Arab population displaced by the 1948 war has been greatly exaggerated. The actual figure is no more than 500,000. Even more important is the cause of that displacement. The 1948 war was declared against Israel by all of its Arab neighbors. The refugees left Israel at the urging of those Arab states. They were told to leave because their homeland was about to be liberated by Arab forces. Of course, we all know Israel survived. Who is morally and legally culpable for creating those refugees? I would suggest it is the Arab states, not Israel.
Far from being mistreated, the Arab population in Israel and in the territories administered by Israel has been freer than the population in any Arab state. Arabs in Israel vote. They elect leaders to the Knesset. They have their own political parties. They have their own newspapers. They have full rights to citizenship. They are free to speak their minds. As an Arab-American journalist who has spent a good deal of time covering the region, I can tell you there is more freedom for Arabs in Israel than in any Arab state.
Land cannot possibly be the contentious issue as the Arab and Muslim states in the region already have 800 times as much territory as Israel. The Arabs have 50 times the population of Israel. The Arabs have all of the oil reserves of the region. They have 21 states of their own - all varying shades of police states. It’s difficult to imagine how one more will bring peace to a region that has known some of the most devastating and costly wars of the last century.
But, to top it all off, I seem to be the only observer asking pointed questions about the Arab-Israeli conflict: If conditions for Arabs are so bad in Israel, why is the Arab population exploding - and I don’t mean because of suicide bombers? Why do Arabs continue to flock to the tiny Jewish state from virtually every Arab and Muslim land in the world?
In 1949, the Arab population of Israel was about 160,000. Today, it is over 1.2 million.
This is hardly attributable to higher birth rates. Most of the growth in Arab population is due to migration. In other words, Arabs are picking up stakes in Arab lands and choosing to live in Israel.
This trend, of course, doesn’t include Arab Jewish migration to Israel. No one talks about the staggering number of Arab Jewish refugees - as many as 1 million - who fled the Muslim world with little more than the clothes on their backs to reach the safety and security of the Jewish state in the last 50 years.
We’re led to believe Arabs hate Israel - and, indeed, it’s true there is an irrational, inexplicable form of virulent anti-Semitism growing in the Arab and Muslim world. But when they vote with their feet, Arabs seem to love Israel. They continue to choose it as a place to live over life in their native countries as they have for the last half-century.
I’d love to hear one of the Arab nationalists explain this phenomenon.

Живи Израиль вечно!, наши люди, joseph farah, отрезвляющее, Земля Обетованная, Фаллостын

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