Vehicular Incident, Back Problems and a Sleepless Night

Jan 30, 2008 11:15

I seem to have forgotten to mention that I was involved in a minor accident last week.  Last Tuesday on the way into work I was rearended on I-75 by a woman in a small SUV.  Here's what I said about it elsewhere, just so I don't have to retype the whole thing:

I'm fine and the truck is drivable but my truck already had enough cosmetic issues.  All I really wanted to do was get some more miles out of it before buying something else and setting it aside for occasional hauling.  I don't need some more shit making it ugly and I'd hate to put any money into it, if I'm going to get anything out of it, I'd much rather put it into my pocket.  So I may have to buy another car sooner than I'd intended.

To top it off the cop that responded was a real piece of work.  Mind you that all I'd really wanted to do was exchange information with the other driver and get on my way, which would probably have been stupid on my part since it was definitely her fault., but she wanted to call the police so I let her.  This jack weed had to tell me how stupid it was that we sat on the side of the road for so long (like I knew it was going to take over an hour) and that my truck "wasn't the newest car" he'd ever seen and I could "bolt that piece back on".  No buddy, she tore it up and she knocked a light clean out.  New or not, it's mine and I don't make a habit of letting people fuck up my shit for free.

So there's that.  I took it to Allstate (her insurance) for an inspection yesterday and they're giving me a pretty fair amount to fix it.  Now if they could just fix my back.

That's right, my back.  Over the weekend I started having a lot of pain in my lower back which tends to spread into my hips and legs when I'm sitting, but tends to go away when I'm up and around or after a night's sleep, so I went to the doctor.  Turns out I've got a lumbar sprain which the doc firmly believes is the result of being jolted in the accident.  I don't want to be one of those people  "living the American dream" as a coworker of mine called it, and have some ongoing pain and suffering suit going for the next ten years, but this does genuinely hurt.  You'd be amazed how hard it is to work when it hurts to sit.  So I've called my insurance so they can start a claim and subbrogate any medical expenses for me.

Adding insult to injury I got a terrible night's sleep last night.  Storms rolled through the area, and with them high winds.  I doubt I could ever explain how much high winds suck when you have an old house with awnings and two gigantic silver maples in your yard.  Every time I would start to doze a branch would fall and crash on one of those awnings.  One of these was large enough that it sounded like a swat team breaking down the door and I actually went down stairs in my underpants and house slippers with a ball bat.  I doubt I needed the bat though, just the sight of me in my underpants would have been enough to incapacitate a would be burgler with laughter.

I thought sure I was going to walk out the door this morning and find a gaping hole in our roof or see an awning laying in the neighbors yard but we seem to have survived.  Now if only I didn't feel so damn tired.

insurance, back injury, storms

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