Feb 17, 2011 13:12
Altaz: Indeed
I was reading comments on Watson, and saw "we could be close to achieving AI" multiple times. We already have achieved it, we're just dissatisfied with it. And we always will be, until we are overthrown and don't have a choice.
me: heh.
Altaz: But somewhere down the line, there'll be a point where we'll say "Wow, computers used to be so stupid, not like now."
There isn't a single event, just incremental improvements.
So the singularity isn't a specific point that could be identified; it's more like the line between art and obscenity.
You know what side you're on, but good luck defining the actual line.
Compare to Internet.
ARPANET is not like Compuserve-age Internet is not like now.
Fundamentally it's different, in terms of technology, usage, cultural impact, commercial impact, etc.
But I defy you to find the singularity.
Even the long September isn't it.
1994 Internet isn't like 2000 Internet.
By that argument we've already achieved singularity, AI, etc. in all technological achievements.
And don't get me started on protocol changes.
Hm, maybe one should attribute Internet singularity to Samuel Morse.
The first technology to send informationn from hea to thea without people going with it.
random thoughts,