Jun 05, 2005 17:32
Hey everybody,
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I'm in the middle of a new vid and I've gotten a little preoccupied with it. ;)
Would anyone like me to continue with my vacation posts? Comment if you're interested, 'cause if I don't hear from anyone I won't spam you guys with that stuff.
My friend came over last night and we watched Bridget Jones' Diary and after it was over she was talking about how she had seen a trip to go see Wicked through the library. We have been looking for something for us to do with our Moms and this just seemed perfect, but there were only 2 tickets left through the library. So, I went online to Ticketmaster to look for more tickets. My mom has a second job, so the only day we could go was a Sunday. I went through all the Sundays and didn't find anything in the section we wanted until Aug. 21st! But the tickets are in the first row of the balcony, so I'm happy with that. :D
I'm all caught up with Lost & Alias now (Thank you, Marie!)
Lost is a good show, but it irriates me. I just don't like the way the plot is going.
I loved the Jack/Irina stuff in the finale, but where was my Sark? *sob* They promised he would be in the finale!
Stupid JJ!