"Nighttme Threats" ~ ch. 8

Dec 11, 2008 23:01

Title: Nighttime Threats
Author: rose_melody2
Fandom: 21 Jump Street
Pairing: Tom/Doug
Rating: NC-17 overall, varies by chapter
Warnings: Non-con, angst
Disclaimer: 21 Jump Street does not belong to me and I make no profit.
Summary: After a drug bust gone wrong, how will Tom and Doug’s relationship suffer, and will they get through it without everything falling apart?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

** Chapter 8 **

“The accused will spend his recovery days in the infirmary in County Jail, and he will serve ten years for attempt to distribute illegal drugs, sexual assault, and harassment.”

The judge pounded his gavel upon the surface of the bench and stood, as did everyone in the court. Tom practically jumped down from the stand and ran to Doug, almost knocking him over and saying, “It’s over, Doug… it’s finally finished!”

“I know, Tommy,” Doug replied happily, briefly lifting Tom off his feet and not caring who saw them.

The younger cop finally pulled away from his lover, smiling. The weight had completely vanished from his chest; he was worry-free, and he hadn’t felt like that for a month now.

“Oh, what time is it?”

“Almost three, why?” Doug said, checking his watch.

“I have another appointment... can you drive me over?”


“So, Tom - how have you been doing?” Doctor Williams sat in his usual place, though Tom was still standing, gripping the back of his own chair.

“Good,” he replied after a moment of thinking, “The case is closed. We had the final court date today.”

“I heard. That’s good news,” the man said, nodding. “And how are things going outside of work?”

The young man sighed, finally sitting down. “Better. I’m not so jumpy or short-tempered anymore.”

The Doctor jotted down a note, looking up at Tom and asking, “And Doug?”

A small twinge of guilt made its presence in Tom’s chest. He frowned, trying to fight it down.

“I still can’t tell him everything,” he admitted. “But I know I should be able to -“

“Not necessarily,” Doctor Williams said, “The amount of time always varies from person to person.”

“I know he wants to help me, but… I don’t want to tell him because I feel that he’ll think I’m…” Tom struggled to find the right word.

The older man nodded, seemingly understanding. “Would you like me to tell you about a rather useful technique?”

Tom nodded, gesturing for the Doctor to continue.

“People often find that writing letters to their loved ones helps ease pressure. The letters aren’t sent, so you can think of them as practice for what you’d actually say when the time comes.”

“Could I try that?” Tom asked, taking an interest to the idea.

“I think that’s an excellent idea, Tom.”


Dear Doug,

Please don’t feel like you have to stick by me every day because of what happened. You don’t have to feel responsible for me. I’m just afraid that if I tell you this, you’d take it as a sign that I don’t love you anymore.

I’m having trouble telling you about what I’m going through because I’m ashamed of it. I feel spoiled and somehow dirty because of them, and I could never ask you to even touch me again. You don’t deserve that. I want to tell you everything, everything that I felt over the last little while, because you’re the only person in the world who could make it all go away, but I can’t do that to you. I can’t put that worry and stress on your shoulders when you already do so much for me.

So that’s why I’m writing this letter. You’ll never read it, and Doc says it’ll be good for me.

Ever since we were put on that case, you and I both noticed that he took an interest in me. I saw how you tried to keep me away from him as much as possible, but that only made him angry. On occasions when I’d be at my locker in school, he always appeared and liked to mess with me for a bit. He never did anything more than push me against a locker or grope me, but I didn’t tell you because I knew that your temper would get the better of you and you’d blow the case. But looking back on it, I guess I should have told you early on. That was one of my mistakes.

When everything happened… in the alleyway… I’d never felt more scared in my life, Doug. I couldn’t get over the fact that these people were in control of me; they brought so much pain to me that I wanted to die in that dirty alley. For a few minutes, before you found me, I was praying that I could pass out before you saw my body because I didn’t want to see the look on your face. I didn’t want you to see what they’d done to me.

And you never left me. I figured nobody would want to be with me after it all, but for some reason, you did. And you seemed to care more and more for me each day. Why?

You are far too good to bear my troubles, Doug. But if you ask me to tell you everything, I will.



He sighed and put down his pen. It was strange; it felt as if he had spilled his heart out to a piece of paper, but it considerably eased the guilt he had been feeling. Still, not wanting Doug to accidentally find it, Tom folded up the paper and put it in a drawer in his bureau.

He picked up the pen again and stared at a new empty sheet of paper, and wrote,

Dear Doug,

Why do you love me?

He paused. So many times he’d wanted to ask that question… he and Doug weren’t complete opposites, but it was rare that he saw a couple like them wandering around - a muscular, handsome cop together with a scrawny, geeky bowler, of all things.

His insecurities faded away whenever Doug made him feel special by getting him presents, cooking for him, taking him out, kissing him and holding him, and making love to him…

But everything had rushed back into his head over the past few weeks. The thought that Doug could leave him someday was horrifyingly heart wrenching. Even contemplating life without Doug brought tears to the young cop’s eyes.

I’ve never really told you, but you could do so much better than me. You could be with a hot supermodel guy (or girl), living the lifestyles of the rich and famous if you wanted to, instead of living with me in a small apartment and putting your life on the line every day.

I’m also afraid to tell you this because… well, you’ll realize that I’m right.

But for whatever reason you’re here with me… well, I have no idea. But thank you. You’re making all the difference in the world to me by even putting up with the trouble I caused within the last month.

And I love you deeply, Douglas Penhall. More than I could ever dare to tell you.




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