"Nighttime Threats" - chapter 1 ~ Tom/Doug

Nov 10, 2008 22:51

Title: Nighttime Threats
Author: rose_melody2
Fandom: 21 Jump Street
Pairing: Tom/Doug
Rating: NC-17 overall, varies by chapter
Warnings: Non-con, angst
Disclaimer: 21 Jump Street does not belong to me and I make no profit.
Summary: After a drug bust gone wrong, how will Tom and Doug’s relationship suffer, and will they get through it without everything falling apart?


** Chapter 1 **

“Have you arranged a meeting with the crack dealers, Hanson?” Fuller asked.

Tom looked up from his paperwork and said, “Yeah, Doug and I are meeting them tonight.”

“Good,” Fuller said, nodding from him to Doug, who was sitting at the edge of Tom’s desk. “It’ll be a clean bust. Ioki and I will be parked down the street, and another squad car will be on call for backup.”

Tom nodded, then looked at his watch. “Doug, we’d better get to school…”

As they collected their coats and made their way out of the chapel, Doug’s hand crept down towards Tom’s ass, and he slapped it lightly, making the younger cop quietly squeal in surprise and give him a mischievous look.

“Maybe after we get home, we can celebrate another successful arrest,” Doug whispered into Tom’s ear as he gave a squeeze to his butt. Tom blushed and kissed Doug deeply, replying, “I can’t wait.”


“Yo, Harrison!” someone called out. Tom and Doug looked up from their lunches and saw Jackson, the dealer they’d been trying to bust, coming over to them with a few of his friends. They sat at the table, and Jackson put his arm around Tom’s shoulders. He didn’t notice the way that Doug shot him a nasty glare.

“Listen, Tommy,” Jackson said, glancing at Doug, “We want you to come alone tonight.”

Tom frowned. “Doug and I are dealing together. He’s gotta be there.”

Both Tom and Doug heard a click as Jackson suddenly loaded a gun and pressed it against Tom’s side, under the table. “Just you,” he snarled into Tom’s ear, making him freeze in his tracks. “Doug can wait outside the alley.”

Tom nodded in fear. Jackson smiled and got up. “See you tonight.”

The rest of them left, and the two police officers shakily made eye contact. “Why the hell does he only want me there?” Tom asked.

Doug just kept his eyes on Jackson’s retreating back as he replied, “I just don’t like the way he looks at you…”


“Be careful, alright?” Doug said to Tom that night as he watched his lover put his gun into his holster. Tom’s brown eyes met Doug’s hazel ones and he replied, “Don’t worry; I can take care of myself.”

Tom turned away from his Mustang after Doug got in the car, and he began walking into the alleyway, shivering a bit when he felt the darkness creep in all around him. He reached the end of the alley now, and he just stood there, waiting. Suddenly, someone’s hand clapped itself over his mouth, and Tom quickly tried to turn around and defend himself when he felt a violent punch being delivered to his stomach. He doubled over in pain, groaning aloud, but the sound was muffled by the hand that was over his mouth.

“One sound and I’ll splatter your brains all over the pavement,” a voice said into his ear. Through his pain, Tom realized that it was Jackson.

Within moments, they slammed Tom face-first against the brick wall, and his cheek hit hard off the uneven stone. Pain shot through his head, making him slightly dizzy. He began seriously feeling afraid. He was in no position to defend himself, which was what the Academy taught him to do, and didn’t know what was going to happen.

“What do you want?” he asked quietly. He was shoved against the wall again and held in place by two other people. He heard Jackson laugh before he felt his presence right behind him.

“You’ll see,” he breathed into Tom’s ear, making an unpleasant shiver go down his spine. Tom closed his eyes, silently praying that he could get himself out of this.

A hot, wet mouth attached itself to the side of his neck, and Tom uselessly struggled against it, but that made Jackson suddenly bite down hard, drawing blood. Tom cried out, feeling slightly nauseated.

“Stop it,” he groaned out helplessly, struggling against the body that was forcefully pressed against his own.

“Shut up,” Jackson growled, and someone punched Tom hard in the side. He cried out sharply, almost falling to the ground, but he was kept in place.

He’d never been so scared in his life; his eyes filled with tears, his muscles went weak, and he began shaking slightly.

Suddenly, he felt rough hands pulling at his belt and soon, his pants were torn down his hips. Jackson reached into Tom’s boxers and grabbed him roughly, and the young cop felt bile rise up in his mouth. He tried to move away from the hand that was groping him, but it was useless.

“Stop,” he said as loudly as he could, but then he felt some rough fabric being shoved into his mouth. He gagged, but it was kept in place.

He heard another laugh just before his boxers were torn down, too.

Tom’s unshed tears finally spilled over his cheeks; he was so afraid; what was he supposed to do?

A long groan tore itself from his throat when he felt Jackson roughly enter him. Hot, splitting pain shot up his spine, and he could feel his inner muscles burning at the sheer force of how fast he was breached.

He cried out loudly through the gag, one thought staying in his mind through his pain: Doug, help me.


Doug shivered a bit and rubbed his hands together, wondering what was taking them so long. Earlier on, when they’d made the deal, Jackson had told them that it would be done quickly, not even ten minutes… Doug looked at his watch and frowned. It was coming close to twenty-five now.

Just then, he heard laughter and the sound of running footsteps come out of the alleyway. He reached for his gun as he saw Jackson leading his gang out of the alley, and he frantically looked around for Tom amongst them.

“Where is he?” Doug said loudly.

But they just began running down the street in opposite directions, and Doug heard police sirens begin to wail.

Doug ran into the alleyway, being careful not to trip on anything in the darkness before he reached the end and a light fixture on the back wall illuminated everything. He looked around, faintly hearing some movement on the ground.

“Tom?” he called out anxiously.

He stepped forward.

“Tom!” Doug’s mouth dropped open in horror when he saw his partner on the dirty ground.

He sank to his knees in front of him and reached out to pull him up, but Tom only let out a choked sob and wrapped his arms around his torso, trying to curl up in a ball, shaking violently.

Doug’s eyes traveled down his lover’s body, taking in the bruises and how his pants were down at his ankles. Then, further up, his inner thighs had blood on them. His heart immediately swelled with anger at the people who had done this, and at seeing Tom hurt like that. He reached out to stroke his face, whispering, “Oh, Tommy…”

Tom only closed his eyes and cried quietly, uselessly trying to push his sweater down to cover himself up. Doug quickly took off his jacket and placed it so that it covered Tom’s lower body just as he heard footsteps approaching them. Fuller came into the light, saw Tom, muttered something under his breath, and turned back around, yelling, “We need an ambulance down here! Hurry!” He ran back up the alleyway.

“Doug…” Tom said weakly. He tried hard to keep his eyes open, but everything was getting blurry.

“I’m here, it’s okay,” Doug said, taking Tom’s hand in his. He felt like crying when Tom feebly whispered, “It hurts so bad, Doug…”

“We’ll get you to a hospital,” he promised, relieved when he heard the ambulance’s sirens grow near.

Tom finally closed his eyes and let the darkness swallow him.

The older cop merely tried to make sure his lover was covered up as the EMTs put him on a stretcher and into the back of an ambulance. He sat next to him, trying not to look at the big bruise on his cheek or how frail he suddenly seemed. All he could do was hope he could pull through it.



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