I've been struggling with pretty debilitating writer's block for longer than I like to think about.
The writing class I signed up for in the hopes of breaking it turns out to be having the opposite effect, especially the work of one particular participant that is six times more brilliant than what I produce. I spent several hours this morning looking for something I didn't hate that I could send in for workshopping -- I ended up picking something pretty much at random (the opening of Tessa's book -- the second in the Blakeney Manor trilogy).
So, I'm making a deal with my muse. I'm going to dive into NaNoWriMo this year with the major rewrite of a Highlander/Pimpernel crossover fic I wrote more a decade ago. The new version involves a different HL character and a complete revamping of the plot, which will open up the story for the two sequels I'd originally planned for it.
I'm choosing this project because unlike the Blakeney Manor and mermaid novels, there's quite definitely no "legitimate" market for this story, therefore I can write it for the pure enjoyment of sharing my fandoms with my fellows.
While I don't plan to post it as I write it, I do hope to starting putting chapters up in early December. If anyone knows of a Pimpernel or Highlander fic community, I'd love to hear about it. Otherwise, I'm on the list for an invite code for
Archive of Our Own, which they estimate I should have in early November.
PS: I'm off to search for a Darius icon. Or maybe I can make a Highlander/Pimpernel one myself...hmm...