Jul 29, 2005 13:24
OMG! I just realized Snape was in my dream!!
It was like...ok, these two people...a guy and...a girl? Got Willie Wonka dolls and were playing with them in the Great Hall at Hogwarts...or some place similar, maybe the lobby since there were no chairs or tables. Anyways, a bunch of kids grouped around them, and some thought it was cool and others laughed because they were playing with dolls in public. And Snape came along and stared...and then smirked and gave a cold sort of chuckle!!! And then the kid started to try and do magic tricks with his Wonka doll...like make a bunny come out of the top hat, but he couldn't do it. So then he tried with his own top hat and couldn't do it. His audience got up and walked away, complaining so they left the school and went out by the docks...on the lack, and they heard something and looked underneith to find Draco lounging on the planks and beams under it. He started to talk to them and they brought him into their circle of friends, though it seemed like Draco had some hidden motives about it...
Then it left them and it was me inside Hogwarts...and I was wearing high heels and waiting for the elevator...but kid sick of waiting so I tackled the stairs...and walked up, missed my floor and walked back down...missed it again...because I was thinking about things...and then something happened and Harry was there and then I was watching Harry instead of myself and he was walking the stairs...and a phone rang, and he picked it up and it was a crazy, evil laughing voice. It said, "...do you remember me Harry? Do you remember a guy named Mr. Green that died? And it laughed..." He backed away but it was like the phone was following him (haha! Evil posessed phones!) and he was like...God...No no no...he's dead. I saw him die...it wasn't my fault! And then he ran up the stairs and started to look for Ron and Hermione, who weren't in the Gryfindor Common room...which somehow aquired a cocktail bar and lounge. Anyways, he met the twins and he tried to tell them danger was coming...and then like they were attacked by a werewolf that was after Harry in particular. It was so violent! I don't think it got Harry though, but it hurt him badly...I don't remember anything else.