Title: A Profusion of Prefects
Rating: PG (for language)
Disclaimer: They're not mine. I'm just borrowing them.
Wordcount: 1460
Prompt: Bonfire
Notes: Sixth year. The Feast of St Frideswide.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
In Which Lily Evans Claims to Have Been a Brownie... )
Comments 23
“Some people,” Sirius said, “don’t appreciate genius.”
“It’s a hard life,” Lily said. “Would the genius appreciate marshmallows?”
Because I have a huge sort of love for any sort of Sirius & Lily friendship storyline. Fabulous job. :)
I always think that Sirius and Lily is the most problematic relationship within that group. Peter would try to get on with her for James' sake and Remus has enough in common with her that I can imagine them being friends. Sirius would challenge her and I wonder how long it would take her to realise she needed to take the piss out of him to make friends.
“Peter might,” Remus suggested. “Can’t really kill him without a full vote.”
Sirius sighed. “Wormtail only wants him back for the orgy. We can kill him afterwards.”
“For the what?” Lily exclaimed.
I laughed so hard I nearly choked on my carrot stick (don't worry, this is a good thing, really! *g*)
Absolutely loved this one; Sirius's internal monologue is such fun to read! And as javajunkie13 mentioned, the Sirius and Lily interaction is so interesting. I know I've said this before, but really, you write the MWPP+L group dynamic perfectly. I don't want October to end-- I don't want to see the end of your fics!
I love writing from the Sirius' pov - it's delightfully messy.
I like group dynamics in everything I write.
I'm afraid I shall definitely be slowing down after October. I decided to do this in the hope it might break a nasty writer's block on my original fiction. It has and my own characters are threatening me with various nasty deaths if I don't come back and write them. Fanfic is fun but it's not the be all and end all. I've got a few challenges and things to finish off and a couple of half-finished things but after that I shall be fairly inactive unless writer's block hits again.
And Sirius has finally figured it out! That made me a happy bunny. (that and the fact that he is thinking seriously (or siriusly?) of the orgy.
Sirius is getting there. I'm hoping James can talk him out of the orgy.
He’d think about it later. You could put problems off for years that way.
How very Scarlett O'Hara of him!
Sirius is very good at living in the moment.
Thanks for the comment :)
Ahem. Um. Great fic.
Thanks :)
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