Firstly, thank you to Idella for my lovely
Venetia snippet.
Secondly, time to confess ^_^ My six stories this year were, in alphabetical order by fandom:
Envying Angels (Arthurian Legend) Galahad tries to resist temptation. Percival is oblivious (or a very wicked ex-farmboy - I couldn't quite decide as I was writing it). This was a Yuletide Treat for Elerrina Rose, and I'm thrilled with the positive response to it. Thank you, everyone :)
Christopher's Elephant (Diana Wynne Jones, Chrestomanci) Short and very silly. This was a Yuletide Treat for Tari. I loved writing this ^_^
The Murder at Missel Hall (Diana Wynne Jones, Chrestomanci) This is the big one, written for Salome. I decided that the most fun I could have with Christopher and his generation was to drop them into the middle of a country house murder mystery. Mummers, mistletoe and Montanas come as extras ^_^
The Paths of the Undying (Diana Wynne Jones, Dalemark) Noticing a theme yet? This was a Yuletide Treat for Temaris. One of the reasons I adore these books so much is the way in which DWJ brings magic into the modern world, especially in the links between the railways and the Undying. I tend to see trains as magical anyway (I have a long, waffle on liminal spaces if anyone's interested), so I wrote about the green roads. And Maewen and Mitt and growing up, but basically it's about journeys.
Running Away (Diana Wynne Jones, Dogsbody) I have to admit that before I tackled this, my only thoughts on Dogsbody fanfic were focussed on a vague desire for Sirius/Sol, but once I started thinking about Kathleen and the way that she's cast adrift at the end of the book, this wrote itself. Brown_Betty wanted something which dealt with that ending, and the request gradually crept under my skin until I had to claim it. In the book, Kathleen seems to be someone who defines herself by her relationships with other people and I wanted to show her working her way towards independence and self-awareness, as much as she can. And writing an adult Robin was fun ^_^ This is my favourite of the six.
Impatience (Tamora Pierce, Tortall) Hee. I still can't believe I wrote this. George/Jonathan for Tracy. I was intending to make it fight!sex, but George was too mature. This was fun, in a omg-my-childhood! way.
Thank you to everyone who commented on these :) I'm so glad I got to play in Yuletide this year. I'm looking forward to the next one!
(Oh, and I also wrote
The Reality Checkpoint for
penhaligonblue for
rs_small_gifts. It's a missing scene from Winter of Discontent, set in Cambridge).