All young adult or children's books. There's a lot more fantastic stuff in there - Narnia, the Dark is Rising and Tamora Pierce all had a range of great stuff this year, but these are the ones that made me squee the most.
Yuletide Recs
Arthur Ransome
Swallows and Amazons -
No End of Adventures - by Shona - subtle and thoughtful look at an adult Nancy in wartime, trying to find her place in the world. G
C S Lewis
Lives By Breaking -
lady_sarai - heartbreaking look at the impact of growing up in two worlds. Recced everywhere and I'm still going to rec it again. If you haven't read this yet, do. It's that good. G.
Farewell to Hopes and Fears -
catrinella - a beautifully written glimpse of Narnia and the way experience changes people. Eustace, Rilian, a little more than friendship. PG
Kingdoms Come -
deepad - Lucy/Caspian, with their lives told in parallel. This sets the Pevensies’ experience very firmly in its wartime context, and so enriches canon powerfully. PG
Diana Wynne Jones
Howl’s Moving Castle
Raising Morgan -
growly - Howl + unhappy baby. Nuff said. G
Chronicles of Chrestomanci
Inventio -
mklutz - Christopher is bored. Lovely character piece. G
Silvers Not As Dazzling -
giddygeek;> - In which Howl is petulant and Chrestomanci is snooty. PG
<b>Diane Duane</b>
<a href=An Unwilling Heart -
cyphomandra - I haven’t read these books since I was a kid, but I clicked on this out of mild curiosity to find everything that I love in a fic contained here. It’s Carl/Tom, past fic, in a New York where all wizards are in mortal danger. Plot and character! Fantastic. PG-13
Elinor M. Brent-Dyer
Wartime Wedding -
gwyryon - this reads like a missing piece of Chalet School canon. Lovely. G
Noel Streatfield
Ballet Shoes -
Dream and Memory - by Greyathena - Winifred, Pauline. Wistful. G
White Boots -
With Room To Grow In -
vassilissa - Lalla/Harriet. A beautiful look at them as adults, with all the complexities of their friendship still in place. And it was written for me PG
Susan Cooper -
Walkabout -
made_up - growing up and finding a purpose. Thoughtful and lovely character work. PG
Brenin -
frostfire_17 - widely recced and with good reason. Will/Bran at its spiky best. PG
Tamora Pierce
Dawn Watch -
pentapus - George and Numair friendship fic, during the Immortals War. Fabulous. G
Mother Lioness -
kessie - Alanna throughout her life, thinking about her family. Warm without being sentimental and it brought tears to my eyes. Utterly lovely. PG-13
Waking Dreams of Snow - Lyss - Doubting her purpose, Kel returns to the Chamber and is shown other courses her life may have taken. Powerful. PG-13
Given the immensity of the archive, I'm really not expecting anyone to identify either of mine. However, if you want to make a guess, comment, and I'll write fic for anyone who can identify either of them.
Now to catch up on other fests *rubs hands together gleefully*