Have No Delight To Pass Away The Time (blanketforts Day 10)

Jan 12, 2006 20:54

Title: Have No Delight To Pass Away The Time
Rating: PG for language.
Disclaimer: They're not mine. I'm just borrowing them because I like them.
Wordcount: 2006
Prompt: soup
Notes: My original idea for this included the dire consequences of mending Sirius' telly, lots of references to The Clangers and James and Sirius pretending to be soupdragons. Then I remembered I was meant to be using Lily's pov and decided to write about Andromeda instead. Feel free to imagine the swanee whistles in the background. Title from Richard III
Apologies for getting behind. I've been busy stressing about original fic and job interviews. After this morning's interview, though, I have a job. *gleeful dance of sheer relief* I don't start until the 23rd so hopefully I'll be on top of everything by then and able to finish on time.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Lily Evans peered down the corridor nervously, her files clutched to her chest. There was no one in sight. She looked back into the office of the Wizengamot Administration Services. Nobody was trying to catch her eye. All she had to do was get through the Auror Headquarters, past the Wizarding Intelligence Legate (Level B) and down the stairs.

Lily ran.

She was through the AH and just about to start through the WIL (LB) when somebody called, “Lily Evans!”

She skidded to a halt and turned, fixing a polite smile on her face. She wanted lunch, damnit. Andromeda Tonks was leaning round the corner of one of the cubicles, waving at her. At the sight of Lily’s expression her face creased in an oddly familiar grin.

“Hang on a second,” she said and leant back into the cubicle.

Lily swallowed a groan and stepped out of the centre of the corridor. She loved working for the Wizengamot, she really did. If only the lawyers would realise that admin staff had to eat too. And go home on time, too, that would be nice, but really lunch was the main thing. She hadn’t had time for breakfast this morning, bugger the bloody Floo, and she could feel her stomach rumbling. Was this how Peter felt all the time?

Andromeda reemerged, juggling even more files than Lily. “Don’t look so worried,” she said. “I was going to buy you lunch, if you’re free?”

“Oh,” Lily said, startled. “Thank-”

“Take some of these, will you? If I run them back to my desk someone will grab me. Really, anyone would think there was a war on.”

Lily blinked and glanced at her, unsure. Andromeda winked and passed her some files. They made their way downstairs as Lily tried to think of a polite way to ask what she wanted. None of the other barristers had bought her lunch, even the nicer young ones.

“I’d keep the speed up,” Andromeda said, her heels clicking as she hurried down the stairs. “The Aurors tend to break for lunch at half-one. Get between them and food and you’ll have as much chance as a hinkypuff in an erumpent stampede.”

Lily laughed. “Sounds like any mealtime at the Gryffindor table. Possibly safer.” It hadn’t been until her last year that her food had stopped turning into peculiar things when she sliced it.

Andromeda smiled as they left the stairs and went into the canteen. Then she winced.

“What?” Lily asked, alarmed.

“Exotic soup. Again. No wonder the queue’s short.”

She slid into it ahead of a tall young man who said, “Oh, really, Black.”

“Tonks,” Andromeda snapped. “As you know perfectly well, Macnair.”

Macnair sneered at her and then looked at Lily. He lifted an eyebrow in disgust and stepped back. “On consideration, Black, do go ahead. I don’t care for the company you keep.”

Andromeda pressed her lips together, scowling, and Lily said brightly, “Oh, gosh, I feel as if I never left school. Should I be taking points off Slytherin?”

“You’d still lose the cup,” Andromeda said with forced cheer. Lily could see the storminess in the way she stepped forward. “Isn’t your house motto Bugger the rules?”

“That’s just Sirius,” Lily said cheerfully. “Isn’t Slytherin’s Damn Glory, Just Don’t Get Caught?”

“And look who always wins the cup,” Andromeda said and took a bowl of soup. It was a faintly glowing shade of orange, speckled with something green and glittery. Lily eyed it nervously before adding her own bowl to the tray. “You know Sirius then?”

Oh, of course. Andromeda Tonks. Sirius’ cousin. “You’re the one with the lovely little girl.”

“Lovely is a debatable term,” Andromeda said but looked pleased. “Four sickles for two bowls of this? Bloody captive market. Jusgardium leviosa”

The soup began to float across the canteen and Andromeda followed it calmly. A small wizard had to leap out of the way to save his hat and he looked around indignantly, squeaking, “Mrs Tonks!”

“Sorry, Diggle,” Andromeda called. “Needs must.”

He muttered something but didn’t seem in the mood for an argument. Lily spotted an empty table and pointed. Within moments, they were seated. Andromeda picked her spoon up and considered her soup. Then she said, “Go ahead, Gryffindor. Be brave.”

“Brave,” Lily said primly, “is not the same as foolhardy.” She dipped her spoon in anyway.

“Can I tell Sirius that?”

“I’ve given up. Talking sense into James is the task of a lifetime. Sirius is beyond my capabilities. This has pineapple in it.”

Andromeda took a careful mouthful. “And prawns. That’s new. It was bacon last time.”

“I’ve got bacon as well. And some cubes of cheese.”

“Carrots and papaya.”

“Strawberries and, um, something.” Lily lifted a slice of something black and lumpy.

Andromeda considered it. “I think,” she said at last, “that’s a sea cucumber. It might be rat.”

“I hope it’s sea cucumber,” Lily muttered and took another mouthful. It could have tasted worse. Possibly.

Andromeda sighed. “How’s it going? Adjusted to the workload yet?”

“I’m fine,” Lily said, a little stiffly. She didn’t care what anyone said - she hated accepting that she would never get everything finished.

Andromeda lifted a eyebrow. “I spent a year or so clerking before I got my pupillage. I forgot to eat for three days once. Ted found me asleep in his cubicle when he got in the next morning. The house elves had watered me.”

Lily blinked. That explained lunch. On the other hand - “The house elves here are a little strange, aren’t they?”

“It’s the concentration of magic,” Andromeda said, prodding her soup. “It goes to their heads.”

The canteen was filling up behind them. Lily spotted a familiar sets of heads in the queue and smiled to herself. Then she focussed on the conversation at hand. “I’m coping. Really. What does all that magic do to the people who work here?”

Andromeda smiled slyly. It was the same smile that Sirius used when he was about to tell his most outrageous lies. “Miss Evans,” she said solemnly, “have you ever seen an old civil servant?”

“The Potters,” Lily said promptly.

Andromeda waved her hand airily. “They’re based in the regions. I meant here.”

Lily grinned. “What happens to them?”

“A fate worse than death.”

“A fate worse than Sirius?”

“Much worse.” Andromeda lowered her voice and said, “House elves.”

Lily nodded soberly. “Muggles say that old sailors do not die. They merely fade away.”


For a moment they both managed to keep a straight face. Then Andromeda cackled and Lily collapsed into laughter. She hadn’t made many friends in the Ministry yet and it was lovely to have someone to laugh with.

Andromeda recovered first and tackled her soup again. “Don’t let it get cold. It’s even worse congealed.”

Lily winced and ate, trying not to think about what she could taste. “Thank you for this.”

“Not at all,” Andromeda said. “I shall want a favour, though.”

“Oh?” Lily returned cautiously.

“Dinner. Tuesday. Ted’s invited some of his new recruits and I want reinforcements for the side of sanity. Bring your young man.”

“That won’t help the sanity levels,” Lily said wryly. She had managed to go all morning without thinking about James. She knew he was up to something. She didn’t even mind, as long as it was semi-legal and didn’t involve slime. She just wanted to be involved.

“He can’t possibly be as bad as Sirius.”

“Put money on it,” Lily said promptly as she saw the boys approaching. “Though at least James can use cutlery.”

“Yeah,” Sirius said, dropping into the seat beside her, “but he eats his sausages raw.” He stuck a finger into her soup and then licked it. “Fuck. What the hell is that?”

“Exotic soup,” Andromeda said. “Barbarian child.”

“Wotcher, Meda. You cooking on Tuesday?”

“For my sins.”

Lily frowned. Remus had drawn out the chair beside Sirius, looking weary. As soon as he sat down Sirius shuffled away, not looking at him. James draped himself in the last chair and sent her a tight, worried smile before tackling his soup.

“Yeah, well, your sins are manifold. Better make a starter. I like ham and Remus likes chocolate. Though not with ham.”

“Sirius,” Remus said warningly. “Manners.”

“I can be rude if I bloody well want to.”

“Not if you want something you can eat,” Andromeda said sweetly. “I know your allergies.”

“Allergies?” James said with interest, slurping up another spoonful.

Sirius scowled.

“Are you actually eating that?” Lily asked, staring at James. He hadn’t met her eyes yet and she felt a little core of hurt. What was going on?

“I like it,” he said without looking up. “Finish yours?”

She slid it across the table, wondering if he would look up. “Here you are.”

He grabbed it and towed it closer. Then he paused and put his spoon down with a clatter. He swallowed and looked up, meeting her eyes.


“Yes?” What the hell was going on? Sirius had shut up and Remus had sat up straight, eyes wide.

“Will you-” He stopped, mouth working desperately, and then blurted out, “Will you go and see Superman with me on Sunday?”

Sirius huffed in disgust and Lily stood up. “No. We’re going to dinner with Petunia, remember?”

James sank back into his seat, curling over the soup again. “Bugger.”

“She’s my sister,” Lily said, and turned away.

There was a distinct splash behind her which she was sure was James’ face hitting the soup. She refused to turn to see if Sirius was responsible.


That was Remus so she slowed enough to catch up.

“He means well.”

Lily shrugged. She didn’t quite trust herself to talk. She knew that James had secrets he could only share with the other three. She just didn’t think she was a legitimate target for pranks any more.

“I know he’s being a bit peculiar,” Remus said as they started up the stairs, “but it’s nothing bad.”

Remus knew what was going on. She swung on him. “What’s wrong with him?”

“Nothing,” Remus said, looking alarmed.

“But you know, don’t you?”


“Do Peter and Sirius know too? Am I the only one who hasn’t been told?”


“What’s going on, Remus?”

He set his chin. “Talk to James.”

“What - so he can fob me off with some nonsense about mustard or films I don’t want to see?”

“Don’t you want to see Superman?”


“Why not?”

“Don’t change the subject.” She scowled at him and then found herself worrying. He looked pale and ill again. “Are you okay?”

He smiled ruefully. “It’s going to be one of those interesting weekends.”

She calculated the moon in her head. Damn. “Shouldn’t you be eating lunch?”

“If Sirius tries to move any further round the table, he’ll send the whole thing flying.”

“Do you want me to talk to him?” Sirius was always a good person to rage at. He gave as good as he got and understood when it was for fun and not worth bearing a grudge.

“Not somewhere that public. Look, thanks, but I’ll deal with it.”

“You can always come and stay with me. Mum would love to have you and the train isn’t so bad, once you get used to it.”

She got a genuine smile that time. “Thanks, but I’m fine where I am. Talk to James.”

“Only if you talk to Sirius.”

“I’ll have to glue him to the ceiling first,” Remus muttered.

“Hmm. Interesting idea.” It was probably worth a try. She knew exactly how to break James’ brain and if he was tied up at the time… He’d crack. He’d definitely crack.

“Poor, poor Prongs,” Remus murmured.

“Why does nobody ever say poor Lily?”

“Because we’re know who’s the scary one,” Remus said, with a flicker of a grin. “Thanks, Lily.”

But somebody was already shouting her name and she didn’t have time to say anything more. She just grinned and waved and starting running towards her desk.

james, sirius, andromeda, lily, remus, blanketforts

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