May 29, 2010 00:16
For as interconnected as everything is getting we are more alone then ever. The more way's we have to keep up with each other the less ways I can actually connect to anyone on a human basis... I feel like... I don't know... I just... I can't even finish a thought...
I can get random pointless text messages all day, but not have a damn clue whats going on in their life, nor them with me.
As much as I hated school with a passion, at least there I had human interaction on a regular basis weather happy or not. But everyone, myself included, is so busy in this that and the other, so not much else is possible.
I get more social interaction with 2 year olds then I do with my own family and friends. I don't even like thinking about anything anymore cause its the same old things, and I am stagnate in a place and a feeling and a world that I am discontent with. My emotions are so tangled up inside, and I don't have the motivation to finish anything. I can't bring myself to follow my dreams and hopes and desires, or to realize whats real and whats not. How can I continue on this path, or any path when I can't get past the same road.
EVERYONE is struggling. NO ONE IS OKAY.
Fuck it... I quit.